Page 124 of Sleet Princess

“Hello.” My voice almost sounds even. “I’m Natalie.”

Katelyn smiles as she presses her lips together, and I know she’s thinking about it.

She’s thinking aboutit,and she’s trying not to laugh.

Steph keeps me from having to addressthe itwhen she throws her arms around Katelyn in an exaggerated hug. “Sister, it’s been too long.”

Katelyn laughs and hugs her back. “Maybe if you weren’t so busy working all the time, I’d see you more.”

Ending the embrace, they step into the apartment, gesturing for me to follow.

As we walk through the entryway and toward the kitchen, I try to make conversation.

“Are you married to one of the hockey players too?” I ask Steph while I take in the large, contemporary, open living space.

“No.” She shakes her head. “Just a sister to one.”

“Oh, um…”Ask normal questions.“What does your husband do? Or boyfriend… Sorry, I shouldn’t assume who he is.”

We’ve reached the kitchen now, and the scent of warm cinnamon makes my mouth water.

“I don’t have a boyfriend,” Steph says quickly.

“No, no, what areyoutalking about?” Katelyn narrows her eyes at me.

“I just meant the guy…” I trail off.

“Did Meghan make her coffee cake today?” Steph asks loudly, trying to change the topic but making herself sound guilty.

I look back and forth between Steph and Katelyn, biting my lip.

Two more women approach from the far side of the large island, and I suddenly feel like I said something I shouldn’t have.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa.” A beautiful woman with long red hair, in black leggings and a tie-dye hoodie, steps up to our little group. “Hi, I’m Meghan.” She greets me with a wide smile, then turns to face Steph. “Do you have a secret boyfriend?”

Secret boyfriend?

“What? No.” Steph’s voice is as high as mine was when I saw Jackson.

Okay, I really shouldn’t have said anything.

The redhead, Meghan, turns back to me. “Sorry, I know I’m being rude, but do you know something that would lead you to believe she is seeing someone?”


Steph groans and tips her head back. “Would you please not interrogate the new girl? We want her to like us.”

I’m back to biting my lip.

Nothing says good first impression like outing Jackson’s sister for being in a relationship.

When the parallel hits me, that this is quite literally what happened to me and Luke with that damn video, I feel even worse.

“I’m sorry,” I blurt out. “I must be mistaken.”

Steph groans some more. “No, it’s fine. I’m assuming you saw us in the car.” She sighs. “And that’s on me for being sloppy.”

“What car?” A blond in a bright blue long-sleeved wrap dress steps up, completing the circle. She lifts a hand to wave at me. “Hi.”