Page 114 of Sleet Princess

“Princess.” I step up to her so we’re chest to chest. “I’m going on about the fact that this place isn’t safe. You’re coming home with me. We can argue about it later.”

Her mouth drops open, then she closes it with a scowl.

Not waiting for her agreement, I cross the living room and lift one of the suitcases lining the wall. It feels empty, so I drop it onto the couch.

“Luke, I can’t just move in with you.”

I turn to face her. “Why not?”

She blinks at me. “Because.”

“Because why?” I cross my arms.

“Because.” She starts to cross her arms, then makes a face like it hurts and drops her arms back to her side.

I frown, knowing she must’ve banged her elbows a few times when she fell. “Come on, the quicker we go, the quicker we can get you off your feet. You know, an ice bath would be good for all those aches.”

She dips her chin down and looks up at me like I just said the most absurd thing in the world. “If you think, for a single second, that I will willingly step into an ice bath, you’re even more disturbed than I thought.”

“Stop.” I lift a shoulder and lean into it. “You’re gonna make me blush.”

Natalie rolls her eyes at me.

I reach for the next suitcase, this one much heavier, and roll it toward the center of the room. “Now tell me yourbecause.”

Natalie huffs. “I can’t just move in with youbecauseof lots of reasons. One being the fact that you’ve been ignoring me for two weeks, Luke.”

The humor evaporates off me. “I’m sorry.” I step closer to her, wanting to touch her but keeping my hands at my sides. “I was feeling… used. And my stupid ego couldn’t move aside long enough to listen to reason. Anyone’s reason. And that was shitty of me.”

She bites her lip. “I… I’m sorry too. Sorry for roping you into this.” She gestures between us. “This marriage. It wasn’t fair of me to say… what I said to you in my office. Your reputation could’ve held up to the hit. It might have even been a boost for you. But I was thinking selfishly because my situation is different. Society is always harsher to women in these sorts of situations. And if the board—the Wag Corp board—heard the real version of the story, they’d do everything they could to convince my dad that I wasn’t cut out for CEO.”

Natalie looks so upset, and I hate it because, honestly, I’m not even mad at her anymore. I get it without her even explaining it. I don’t want to run a giant corporation, but clearly, she does. And I know she’s worked hard for it.

I think about the stuff her dad said. About him being disappointed.

“I heard some of what your dad said that day in the office,” I tell her. “That wasn’t fair. And I should have stood up for you.”

She gives me a half smile. “Thanks, but that wouldn’t have helped. My dad is normally really chill. But his company is his second child, so he’s protective of it.” Her expression changes to exasperation. “Which is why I’m the one who should run it when he retires. I can actually implement the plans I’ve had for years—” Natalie shakes her head. “Never mind. That’s not important now.”

“It is important. And I’d like to learn more about those plans,” I say truthfully. “Maybe you can fill me in on some business lingo so when I have to meet your dad again, I don’t sound like a total dumbass.”

Natalie sighs. “I feel bad you two met the way you did. But I guess your girlfriend’s dad is supposed to be scary.”

She snaps her mouth shut, and I swear her cheeks pinken.

I reach up to brush my thumb over her cheek. “Are you blushing, Green Eyes?”

She swats my hand away. “No.”

“You can be my girlfriend and my wife at the same time.” I grip her sides and haul her against me.

Her hands land on my chest. “How does that work?”

“Girlfriend on your knees, wife in my bed.”

“Luke.” She gapes at me.

I hum and hold her tighter. “But if we get going again now, wearen’t checking out before tomorrow.” I drop my hold of her and step back. “And that just won’t do.”