Princess: Tomorrow.
Luke: Tomorrow? Seriously?
Princess: Seriously.
Luke: Morning, Almost ex-wife Girlfriend. Are you on the road already?
Chapter 62
Almost ex-wife Girlfriend.
I shake my head and send a quick reply, telling him I’m just about to start driving, then I put my phone in the cupholder.
It feels so weird to be divorcing this man. We get along so well, and there’s a small, quiet part of me I’ve been trying to ignore that believes he might bethe one.
And if he isthe one, won’t it be weird to divorce him and then marry him all over again in a few years?
But I guess it’s weirder to stay married just with the hope that it will turn into a forever kind of love.
So I shift into drive, my vehicle filled with my clothes and necessities, the rest of my possessions headed to storage, and I start the drive from Illinois to Minnesota.
Chapter 63
I putmy car in park and look up at the building in front of me.
This can’t be right.
I look back down at the text message Natalie sent me, double-checking the address.
It’s the same address I’m parked in front of.
Climbing out of my car, I shake my head.
I knew Natalie had a fancy title at some corporation. I could see that the clothes she wore were expensive. I’ve known about all the business trips she’s been on since we met all those weeks ago. But I never put it together. I never looked it up. Never asked.
My fingers flex around the edge of my car door before I swing it shut and start across the parking lot.
I try not to grimace as my insides give an uncomfortable twist.
Today doesn’t feel like it’s going to be a good day.
It should be good because I’m about to see Natalie again.
The woman I haven’t been able to get off my mind.
The woman I want to have closer.
The woman who just moved into my state.
Except I’m not just here to see her. I’m meeting Natalie at her office. To sign divorce papers I have no interest in signing.
And apparently, Natalie’s office is inside the brand-new training facility for Minnesota’s professional football team.
What the fuck?