The sidewalk isn’t super crowded, but there are people everywhere. All ages. Dressed for all sorts of experiences. But we don’t have to alter our path. Because people move over for Luke.
Maybe it’s the tattoos. Maybe it’s the broad, muscular shoulders. Maybe it’s the way he walks. But his presence isbig.
I love it.
And with both of us dressed all in dark clothing, I have to admit we look good together.
Luke bumps into my side as he adjusts his angle.
“Where we going, Mr. Muscles?” I lean into his side as I turn with him.
He lifts his free hand and points ahead. “First stop, slushies.”
I smile. “I’ve always wanted to try one of those.”
Luke looks down at me, his expression matching mine. “Same.”
We make our way to the drink stall on the edge of the sidewalk. Behind the employees is an entire wall of slushie machines, each with a different alcoholic drink ready to go.
Luke asks for the strawberry daiquiri, which sounds good, but I have to go with the piña colada. It’s not even a choice.
The cups are obnoxious. Over a foot tall, skinny in the middle, butwide at the top and bottom, with a cheap lid and a thick plastic straw that begs to be chewed on.
When I lift my little purse to pay, Luke shoots me a narrowed-eyed glare.
I shake my head and let the purse go back to dangling from my wrist.
If he wants to buy these overpriced drinks, I’ll let him.
With the plastic cups in hand, we step out of line and continue down the sidewalk.
We both lift our straws to our mouths at the same time and take our first sips. Luke’s hum of approval matches my own.
I lift my cup, silently offering him a taste.
Luke lowers his, and we watch each other take a swallow.
Fruity sweetness hits my tongue.
I shrug. “Guess I won’t mind you tasting like that later.”
His mouth pulls into a devilish smile. “Why wait?”
I lift my brows. “Because we’re in the middle of a sidewalk.”
The look on his face promises dirty things, and standing here on the crowded concrete, I squeeze my legs together.
Luke’s gaze moves above my head, and I watch him tilt his head.
“Let’s check that out.”
I turn to see what he’s talking about and notice a narrow path cutting between two buildings. It’s not exactly an alley; it’s just a sidewalk that leads to a dead end about twenty yards back. But it doesn’t end at a wall. It ends with a door, a glowing pink light, and a bouncer.
“Looks… interesting,” I reply, torn between curiosity and wanting to run the other way.
Luke squeezes my fingers. “You up for an adventure, Green Eyes?”
I close my lips around my plastic straw and swallow a mouthful of icy booze. “If this turns out to be some sort of black-market organ-swapping party, I’m telling everyone who you are.” Luke lifts a brow, looking amused. “I’m sure your professional athlete body parts are worth more than mine.”