Page 173 of Sleet Princess

Banshee:No you don’t.

Sugar: You put secret snap cutouts in the Blizz suit?!

Kitten: Hold up, what?

Princess: How do I leave this friend group?

Banshee: You can’t. It’s pretty much a blood-in, blood-out situation.

Princess: So if I throw a tampon at you, I can get out?

Sugar: Ew.

Princess: I’m not talking to you guys anymore.

Banshee: Luke can just answer for you. When you untie him.

Kitten: How do you know so much about their sex life?

Princess: Oh. My. God. She doesn’t.

Banshee: So are you saying you’ve never tied Luke up?

Jackson: I don’t think I want to know the answer to this question.

Ash: I do.

Zach: We’re in too deep now, Jacky Boy.

Jackson: I’m handing my phone to Katelyn. She’ll tell me when I can look again.

Ash: Prude.

Banshee: So…

Sugar: Natalie is taking an awfully long time to answer.

Banshee: Two blinks for yes. No blinks for no.

Kitten: How is she supposed to blink through a text?

Banshee: Logistics aren’t my problem.

Sugar: So when you say tie up… Is that like a rope? Or is it just a different way to say handcuffs?

Banshee: What do you know about handcuffs, Little Miss Izzy?

Sugar: Nothing.

Kitten: The lady doth reply too fast.

Banshee: Ash is the one who demanded this chat, and now he’s off on his laptop googling “sex ropes.”

Luke: *sends link for beginner restraint kit*

Epilogue Four

Ten Years Later