Page 131 of Sleet Princess

Luke kicks out at Ash’s leg, but the goalie jumps away before any contact is made.

“Like I said, morons.” Meghan steps up next to her husband, reaching up and pinching one of his nipples.

The big man yelps and puts her in a headlock. “I told you, that one isn’t healed yet.”

I widen my eyes at Luke, but he just shakes his head, reaches down, and takes the container of food out of my hand with his free one. “If they’re sending you home with some of Meghan’s baking, then it must’ve gone well.” His voice is quiet, just for me.

I smile up at him. “It did.”

“So you had a good time?” he asks, making sure.

And that question… that reiteration… it changes something.

The hummingbird in my ribcage flaps over to my heart, rips off a little corner with her beak, and tucks it under her wing, saving it for him.

I have to swallow before I can answer. “Such a good time.”

He lifts the hand on my shoulder and brushes his thumb across my cheek. “I’m glad.”

Needing to break the tension building inside my chest, I use my now free hand to pull Blizz out from his spot tucked under my arm. “Izzy brought me a gift.”

Luke looks at the gift. Then looks again.

As if summoned, Izzy and her husband, Zach, appear before us, with Jackson and Katelyn next to them. The whole group stands on the sidewalk in front of Jackson and Katelyn’s building.

Luke looks at Jackson. “You told Zach?”

He sounds a little mad, clearly having gotten the wrong impression. Which is dense of him since I just said how good of a time I had.

“No, Luke—” I try to interrupt.

“Told me what?” Zach asks before he smiles at me. “Hey, Natalie.”

“Hi.” I sort of grimace the greeting even though I don’t mean to.

“I didn’t tell him anything.” Jackson cuts in, and I can tell he’s making a point not to make eye contact with me. Which I appreciate.

“What the hell are you guys talking about?” Ash chimes in, with Meghan tucked into his side.

“The locker room,” Luke says, while I poke him in the side and say, “Nothing.”

Luke reaches his arm farther around my neck so he can grab Blizz out of my grip and hold it up. “If you guys want to harass me over theBlizz bang, that’s fine. But leave Natalie out of it.”

“Luke!” I snap.

But I’m once again drowned out because now all the girls are snickering.

I try not to look at Jackson, but I can’t help it as I glance his way, and I notice that his cheeks are getting pink. Though probably not as pink as mine.

Zach’s eyes are wide. “I’m sorry, but theBlizz bang? What the fuck are you talking about?”

Luke looks from Zach to Jackson. “You didn’t tell him?”

Jackson shakes his head, and instead of looking embarrassed, he just looks like he’s trying not to laugh.

Ash isn’t as successful, barking out a loud noise that makes me jump.

“Meghan!” Izzy hisses because Ash is leaning down with his ear near Meghan’s mouth.