Then Izzy gasps. “You fell so much!”
And like a switch was flipped, I see them all remember. Because, of course, they would have been there.
Two hours, one bottle of bubbly, three rounds of coffee, and an endless serving of coffee cake later, I think I can say this has been one of the best afternoons of my life.
The entire story came out.
How I sprained that guy’s ankle. How I want to burn that godforsaken flag when the season is over. How Luke and I made up, and everything that happened before that—in Vegas, in my office. I told them my reasoning and my plans for the future.
I told them everything.
And it was… wonderful.
They all understood.
They got where I was coming from. They supported my decisions. They cursed out Luke when I needed them to. And theyawwedwhen I told them about falling asleep while he rubbed my feet.
Katelyn sighs. “I’m so glad you’re working things out. I don’t know if Luke has ever had a serious girlfriend, but he’s been talking about wanting one for the past, like, year.”
I make a face. “Is that a nice way of saying he slept around a lot?”
Katelyn shakes her head. “He really didn’t. Not that I know of. I just know his family is always in his ear, telling him to be careful of women who want him for his money.”
“That trust fund should shut them up.” Izzy snorts, then bolts straight up in her chair. “Oh my god, I’m so sorry. That was super rude.”
I laugh. “It’s not rude. My finances are pretty much public knowledge.”
“Is it rude to ask how much it’s for?” Steph asks.
“Stephanie!” Izzy does her loud whisper again.
“What? I’m not asking her for money.” Steph lifts her hands. “She said it was public knowledge. Either I google it later, or I just ask her now.”
I shrug. “The trust is for one hundred million.”
I don’t mention that I haven’t needed to touch the trust, that I have enough funds elsewhere and my salary more than covers my living expenses.
Steph lets out a happy laugh. “Yeah, I’d say that should shut Luke’s family up.”
Meghan drums her fingers on the table. “I have one last question.”
She narrows her eyes at me. “What does he call you?”
“Um, what?”
Meghan gestures to Izzy and Katelyn. “All these hockey players seem to give out nicknames. What’s yours?”
I think of the very first time we met and can’t stop my smile. “He calls me Princess.”
While the other girls make happy sounds, Meghan throws up her hands. “Ash is such a dick!”
Not understanding why this is funny, I look around the table.
“Don’t ask.” Meghan answers my unasked question as she rises from the table. “Okay, who wants to bring some coffee cake home?”
I roll my lips together, not wanting to seem greedy, but when she tips her head my way, I nod. “Yes, please.”