Moving further in, a den and living room greet us, along with a fireplace. A glass door opens into the large backyard. At the very rear, a pergola hangs thick with vines over a little nook with a small table and chairs and a stone waterfall pool.

Sasha and I climb the stairs, and her eyes are shining with wonder. I really want her to fall in love with this house, to think of it as her home. There are three bedrooms and two and a half baths upstairs, with a master suite and adjoining bathroom to the left. Sasha's bedroom is a pastel pink, with princess stickers along the walls and a pile of her stuffed animals already arranged neatly on her fluffy, plaid bed.

After she explores every room, it takes some time to get her calm enough to even consider lying down. But when the exhaustion of traveling finally hits her, she nearly collapses on the bed. I rest Mr. Trunks on my little girl's shoulder and tuck the covers around her.

I sing 'You Are My Sunshine' like I do every night as she closes her eyes. To her, it might just seem like another song, but to me, it's my truth. Sasha has been the beacon of my life since the moment she was born. Without her, I'd be lost at sea. I'm committed to nurturing her into a remarkable young lady here.

Leaning down, I kiss her forehead and head to my room. I'm pretty exhausted, but my mind drifts to another thought... the prospect of seeing Harper soon. I fall asleep wondering what she's like now that she's a full-grown woman and whether I'll be able to keep my emotions in check when we meet again.

Chapter two


Deacon Reynolds drives me crazy. I clearly wasted my time getting his number from my assistant. The moment I heard his voice, I was catapulted into the past, back to high school. He always had this incredible ability to get under my skin, in more ways than one.

There's nothing worse than competing with a guy who's not only smart and athletic, but also incredibly good looking. Yep, he had the trifecta: brains, muscles and piercing steel grey eyes. But he was also obnoxious. He never failed to remind me of his victories, often in uncomfortably close, personal conversations. Every encounter with him left me tingling, a blend of exhilaration and smoldering frustration.

I thought maybe he had changed after all these years, but I guess not. Deacon's first, everyone else is an afterthought. His parents deserve more effort than he gave for this party. It's their night to shine, they should have his full support.

I know he says he called, but Mrs. Reynolds spent all day with her phone in her hand waiting for him. He probably waited to make the call until he knew she'd be too busy to answer, taking the easy way out by leaving a voicemail. Mrs. Reynolds had high hopes he'd be here, but I knew she was being too optimistic.

Get it together, Harper, I tell myself. I'm a professional, and Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds are counting on me to make sure that everything goes off without a hitch. I won't let myself be derailed, especially not by Deacon. Too much time has passed to let him get into my head.

I shove my phone into the pocket of my jacket and look around at the amazing event we put together. It’s days like today that make me treasure my job even more. The Reynolds Resort looks phenomenal, and I can’t wait for the grand reopening.

The owners and I have worked side by side and put our hearts and souls into this. They’ve been like parents to me since my own passed away. I would do anything for them. Deacon, however, left town and never looked back. But I'm not going to mention his name again.

Except to maybe just say this.

I know Mark and Charlene would be happier if Deacon made an appearance, but he couldn't be bothered. I hate that it upsets them but I'm happy he's not here. I'm a little too old to be the focus of his teasing at this point. As far as I'm concerned, he can stay away in the big city and do whatever he does there. After what happened at our high school graduation, I don't want to talk about him anymore.

Ok, I should probably just tell you about that quickly for context, then we'll move on.

We were both on stage for the announcement of valedictorian, our school likes it to be a surprise at the ceremony. I'm sure Deacon thought he would get, but I did. I tried to give him a hug but he just turned and walked off stage, it was so embarrassing.And that was the last time we saw each other. He left for college without a word. We haven't spoken since and I don't bring him up.

But let me just say this one final thing.

Deacon made it quite clear in the past that this small town is not for him, and I couldn't agree more. It's a beautiful, peaceful place with friendly people. No one should look down at it. I couldn't be prouder to call it home. I can’t imagine living anywhere else, even if it means I'll never experience the excitement of big city life. To each their own, I suppose.

But let's shift our focus.

This is a special day, and I am determined to enjoy it. The staff and guests are in for a real treat tonight. We've got an award-winning chef in the kitchen, and an entertainment team that can make any party come alive.

Just thinking about the food makes my mouth water. The menu was designed to please every palate, with a wide range of appetizers, main dishes, and desserts.

The new bar is the focal point of the night with its extensive list of specialty drinks. It's already packed with guests enjoying an evening out, laughing and chatting together. The bartender is a showman, commanding attention with every flick of the wrist and pour of the bottle. There's a lively energy in the air, just the way we hoped.

This resort has always been a special place for me. I'm lucky to work here, and I'm even luckier to call the Reynolds my family, even though we are not blood. I can't wait to celebrate this momentous occasion with them and see the joy on their faces. They deserve it.

There's a lot riding on the success of this reopening. The resort is going through a major transformation, and the town is depending on it to revitalize the economy. From the renovationsand modernizations to the new activities, we are hoping to draw in more visitors than ever.

"Lydia!" I call over to my assistant, who is putting the finishing touches on the flower arrangements.

"Yes, Harper?"

"Can you please get Henry and have him check the sound system? Make sure it's working properly. The last thing we want is for the sound to cut out when Mrs. Reynolds is giving her big speech."

"I'm on it. Don't worry, I'm sure it'll all go smoothly tonight." Lydia is a sweet lady who's been working at the resort since I was a kid. She had planned to retire, but when she realized how bored she would get just sitting around, she agreed to stay on to help me out. I couldn't ask for a better assistant. She knows this place inside and out.