"I know. She thinks I'm a good artist. She told me." Sasha puts her plate in the sink and kisses me on the cheek. "Are you driving me to school?"

Sasha is normally quiet in the morning. I love seeing her so chipper. "Sure, kiddo. Let's get your backpack on."

She turns, and her skirt spins out like a hula hoop. "Let's go!"

I can't help but laugh. I'm not sure if it's being in Greenwood, spending so much time around her grandparents, or Harper that's dragging her out of her shell, but I sure like it. I like her free and unabashed, so whatever it is, I want her to have more of it.

Still, it does scare me. If it is Harper’s that’s brought this on, what happens if she goes away?

The ride to school is short, and I swing the car through the gates and come to a stop. I drop her off like I usually do at the front entrance, giving her a kiss and telling her to have a great day. When she starts climbing the stairs, I sit back and tap my fingers on the wheel.

I'm delaying the inevitable, but I do all I can this morning to keep from going into work. Facing Harper is going to be hard after that kiss. I have no idea what she's expecting or what the future holds for us. I'm like a bumbling teenage boy with no understanding of what to do after the most epic first kiss of all time. As far as Harper is concerned, I'm literally at a loss.

I decide the gym is the safest place. And with that, I head to the fitness club on the other side of town. I signed up when we first got here, but I haven't been yet. This'll be a good way to clear my head and stay grounded, at the very least. Sweat always does the trick, and once I get going, I'll be in a world of distraction.


The bell over the door rings as I enter. No one is manning the front desk, so I scan my membership card and head into the men's room to change. I hit the treadmill first, keeping my steps fast and smooth while I look around. A blonde woman catchesmy eye in the mirror. She looks at me with a flirty grin as she sizes me up. She's pretty, petite, and slim with wide hips and ample curves. Any other day, I'd soak in her attention. Maybe ask her out on a date and let things see where they'd go. But all I can think of is that she's not Harper.

No one is Harper but Harper. She's stuck in my brain, and my body's telling me to pursue her and forget the consequences. At the same time, my caution has kicked into overdrive. I just don't know what's right.

When the buzzer goes off on my treadmill, I hop off, grab some free weights, and lie down on the bench. After a few sets, I move quickly from machine to machine, focusing on my reps and avoiding making eye contact with anyone, but the blonde bombshell is following me from one area to the next. It's obvious, and she's not exactly subtle about it.

Finally, when I'm about it pack it in and head for the showers, she approaches me over by the leg-press.

"Hey, handsome. Doing cardio or torture today?" She grins, her full pink lips matching the shade of her cheeks.

I wipe the sweat from my brow. "Something in between I guess."

"I haven't seen you around here before. I come every morning before work, so I would've noticed someone like you."

"Really." I scoff but smile to soften things.

"Absolutely. I'm Charlotte by the way." She gestures to herself as if it wasn't obvious. "Will you be a regular here?"

I shrug and let the weight slam to a stop. "Maybe. I just moved here with my little girl. But I'm not sure if this is the gym for me." It's a great gym, I'm just not sure I'm interested into running into her every morning. What the heck am I thinking? Back in Manhattan, I would've been all over her.

She blinks rapidly, and I don't miss the way she glances at my hand in search of a wedding ring. I stop her before she gets any farther.

"I'm not married, but I'm also not looking. Sorry." My words are gentle, but direct.

She tilts her head to the side. "That's cool. I wasn't really looking either." Then she winks. "Just testing the waters."

"Oh. Well, no worries." I bend down to pick up my gym bag, even though I'm definitely not ready to get to work and face Harper. "It was nice to meet you, Charlotte."

"You, too. Thanks."

She walks away, and I'm left questioning why I'm so wound up. The attraction is clearly there, and she's hot, and she's available. But this situation is anything but normal, and I don't know what to do.

I need some guidance. Advice from an outside source with no stake in the matter. Someone who can point me in the right direction, to be sure. But I'm not sure who to ask. My father is too invested in Harper. He'd push me toward a relationship regardless of how that would impact Sasha. Same with my mother. She's gotten attached too. They would love the idea of me dating Harper, but is it really the best thing to do?

Maybe I can just figure it out for myself. The logical part of my brain wants me to walk into the office like I always do. Avoid the issue at hand, finish my day, and go home. I'd banter with Harper here and there, then skip out. Easy peasy, like we never kissed at all.

But the other part of me, the braver part, tells me to walk right up to her and say it was the most mind-blowing kiss I've ever had and that I want another and another. That the part of me she awakened should be explored. That I can feel that we're supposed to be together. That being her friend will never be enough.

Chapter eleven