I push some wet strands of hair out of my face and return my attention to Lindsey. As soon as my eyes land on her, my smile grows bigger again. Holy cow, she’s so beautiful. Is she for real?

I pinch myself to make sure I’m not dreaming.Ouch.Nope. Definitely not dreaming.

“We aren’t drinking alcohol,” she says, suddenly looking worried. “If that’s why you came over.”

What is she talking about? Oh. I see. They’ve both got margarita glasses in hand. That’s naughty of them.

“Sure looks like you are,” I say, trying to put on a more serious face.

“They’re mocktails,” she says.

“They’re what?” I ask.

“Mocktails. You know.” She pauses for a second, then adds, “Mock cocktails? As in, no alcohol?”

I laugh. “Mocktails. Good one. Okay. No worries, then.”

Lindsey lets out a sigh of relief. “Sorry for the confusion.”

“Nah, you’re good.” I grin at her. “That’s not why I came over, though. I came over because I wanted to meet you.”

She blinks at me, not saying anything in response.

“Are you from here?” I ask, eager to learn everything about her.

She shakes her head. When she doesn’t say anything more, her friend answers for her. “We’re from out of town.”

“Oh. Cool.” I check my watch. “Hey, you know what? I’m off in two hours and…let’s see…forty-four…no, fifty-two minutes. I’d love to show you ladies around. What do you say?”

“We…um…” Lindsey glances at her friend, and the two of them have a silent conversation with their eyes.

Aimee is the first one to look at me again. “We would love that.”

“Aimee,” Lindsey says under her breath.

But Aimee keeps smiling at me. “We look forward to it, Theo.”



“Ican’t believe we’re doing this,” I groan, brushing sand off my arm. Aimee and I just got back to the beach house so we can freshen up and change before meeting up with Theo.

Aimee snorts a laugh. “You know whatIcan’t believe? That you don’t want to hang out with a man as hot as him.”

“What’s the point, Aimee? I’m going to be flustered the whole time. I thought this vacation was supposed to be relaxing.”

“No, the point was to get you out of your routine of work, work, work.” She pulls a short dress out of her luggage and holds it up in the air. “I think you should wear this.”


“Which I will happily lend you.” She presses it into my hands. “Try it on. See what you think.”

I know she’ll just argue with me about it until I do, so I go into the bathroom and take a quick shower to wash off the beach.When I come out wearing her dress, Aimee claps her hands in approval.

“It’s gorgeous on you, Linds. You’ll wear it, right?”

I do, in fact, feel pretty in the dress. I nod. “Thank you. Oh, Aimee. You’ve given me too much. I’m going to repay you for all of this, you know.”