Page 94 of Bulls and Their Boy

I turned away from him, overcome with emotion, but Damon went to him, helping him to his feet. “We’re just training you, Joel. We might be rough at times…”

“Oh, I knows it, but…I’m ‘sposed to think more ‘bout y’all than me, an’ I will. I wanna be good!”

“You are good,” I said just before turning back to him. “With a few slipups.”

Once Joel got to his feet, though his legs were shaking, and Damon reached to help him stand. “No more o’ those. I swear it.”

I went to my sweet bull rider and cupped his cheek, looking into eyes that brightened immediately at my touch. “It’s all part of it, Joel. Besides, don’t tell me you didn’t enjoy this a little.”

“Fuck, yeah ,” he grunted in a voice much deeper than usual. “It was fuckin’ amazin’.”

“Good. You’re gonna keep that ring on all the time. I like how it looks on you.”

His head lowered to look, and he chuckled, “It looks good, don’t it?”

“Yeah. Sexy as fuck. Now, get back to the house and get some clothes on that aren’t torn and get back to helping your friend.”

“Yessir,” he said, then got his pants from the dirt and slapped them to clean them enough to get on himself, got his socks and boots on in record time, then started to take off before he turned back to kiss Damon, then me, and ran off like lightning.

“We must drag him out here more.”

“I’m telling you, Damon, biting is starting to be my new thing.”

He absently covered his dick. “No more head from you.”

I snapped my teeth at him, laughing, and then we got cleaned up enough to head back to the house. We got there just as Joel was headed out of the house and he stopped again to give us both quick pecks before running to the barn.

“I want him in a pen,” Damon said. “The wild thing, yeah, that’s fun, but I keep thinking about what we talked about for the club, little corrals to keep the subs in that aren’t tied to the hitching posts.”

“Where the fuck would we put it?”

“I can’t think of everything. My brain gets tired of always coming up with brilliant ideas. Help a guy out once in a while.”

As I stood with my jaw hanging, he went into the house, letting the screen slam. I gritted my teeth after closing my mouth. “I’m going to take that thing down. Just not today.”

I showered and changed after Damon was finished, then went to work. When Joel came into my office after knocking, he knelt next to my office chair, looking forlorn. “Can I talk to ya?”

“Of course.”

“I know I messed up. Didn’t mean ta. I jus’ love y’all and I figure…well, how do I show that better ‘an lettin’ ya fuck me, but I ‘membered y’all saying you didn’t jus’ want me fer that.”

The boy could make my pulse thrum every time. “Joel, you didn’t mess up all that bad. We’re just guiding you and having some fun while doing it. Did we go too far?”

“Hell no! Iffin’ that’s my punishment, I’d fuck up more! That ain’t it, though. I want to make y’all as happy as ya do me. That’s all.”

“You make us happier than you can possibly understand, Joel.”


“Yeah. Very happy, and no happier than in times like this, when you’re just being real with me. I can’t always speak for Damon, but I’m pretty sure he feels the same.”

“Y’all don’t always think the same?”

“No, babe, we’re different. We have a lot in common, but we are our own people. Like…this place. I have never lived in the country, never wanted to, but he did. I compromised for him, because I deeply love him, and I’d do the same for you. For the same reason. I know he would too, because he lived in the city for years for me, and now, he’d do the same for you, if that’s what you truly wanted.”

“Heck no! I like it here jus’ fine, but I know what yer sayin’.” He rose and started to leave but turned with one more thing. “Jus’ so ya know, I’d do that too.”

“Good to know, Joel.”