Page 88 of Bulls and Their Boy

Again, it was Joel that answered. “Sure! He’s got hisself six boyfriends! They all live together and ever’thin’.”

“Six? Wow,” Damon said, eyeing them as they bumped shoulders and Joel snorted a laugh.

“Yeah. The Dom guy, he’s a bigun, like you, Burke. Though, I think bigger. Maybe not ‘is dick, but I wouldn’t know ‘bout it.”

For the two of us, Damon and me, we felt like we were intruding on a great time, but we weren’t upset about that. It was amazing to see Joel having so much fun out of the bedroom with someone.

He loved Noah and Eli, but they were older, and though Xen was older than Joel too, he didn’t seem older. With Eli and Noah, they were more like people Joel loved and looked up to, whereas he could just be himself with Xen.

“Maybe we should send them an invitation to the club, Xen, once we open,” I suggested and Xen started silently giggling as he pointed to Joel, who looked a bit sheepish. “What Joel?”

“Xen did, and I told him to. Hope that’s okay and all.”

“Yes, sure, it’s your club too. If you have their email, Xen, please, send it along so we can send them the email flyer Damon just made.”

He clapped then, Xen did, and what was so remarkable about it was that he even did that without sound. He stopped his hands just in time for them not to make a noise at all. After he was finished clapping, he got on his phone and soon Joel’s phone rang. He handed it to Damon and showed him. “There ‘tis. Their email.”

“Send it to me, Joel. Thank you, Xen.”

He threw a salute at Damon and went back to eating.

Later, when they went to the attic, Damon and I sneaked up the stairs and listened, and for ten full minutes, we didn’t hear a sound except for them moving around, and then they started some music. That’s when we descended again and went into the bedroom.

“I’ve never…I’ve seen quiet guys, but that is just amazing to me,” Damon breathed.

“Yeah. Memphis said that he thinks in pictures too, like not words.”

Then my head went blank with all words as Damon took off his shirt. He did that to me, even after being together for years. He was a fine, beautiful man, tattooed, muscled, flexing in front of the full-length mirror. “Damon, that no sex thing…”

“I’ll stroke you if you stroke me. If you can contain your groaning.”

“You groan! And growl and grunt and all the other noises you make.”

He turned, flashing me his most devastating smile. “You have great hands!”

“Thanks, babe. You too.”

“Oh, I know.”

Chapter Twenty-One

As construction continued on the guesthouse, Xen worked on his mural we weren’t allowed to see and Damon had all the promotions for the club going, I was left with little to do but my own work.

Having two men, a new place in the country, building a club, it had wreaked havoc on my own work, but I was lucky that Damon had built the site to mostly run itself. All I had to do was sort through complaints, which were few, and questions, which were many.

Javi sent an email about two men that were looking for work. I got back to him, telling him that with his recommendation, they had to do little to be hired. Then he threw me a curveball with a phone call. I answered cheerily, but the cheer didn’t last.

“I can’t say everything on the phone, brother, but…we have a guy, he’s…a pain in the ass. He’s in our crew, you know.”

I got it. Javi’s man ran a mafia family. Javi was his partner and his bodyguard. I got it, though it wasn’t exactly high on my list of things I liked knowing. “Okay, Javi, what’s up?”

“I need to send him away. He’s in trouble a bit, cocky, and a pain in the ass.”

“You said that,” I said, laughing. “So why are you telling me this?”

“Well…I’ll tell ya. He’s going to be moving there, near you.”

“Fuck, Javi!”