He was wise, it was very true. “Feelings have a big range, Joel,” I told him, staring at him in the rear view for as long as I could and still drive safely. His face showed his confusion, brows drawn tight, that little tilt of his head. “The way we feel about each other, Damon, you and me, we are in love, deeply in love. Roland is a friend that we like a great deal. Eli is a best friend, a surrogate brother, Noah too. We love them like we would brothers.”
“Oh, I get it. So, we can have feelin’s, jus’ not the love stuff.”
“Exactly,” Damon said. “So, the question is, how far do we go with any guy that we won’t catch feelings that stray beyond an intense liking for them, attraction? I think twice, three times fucking them keeps us in the safe range. And there’s always us talking. If one of us thinks it’s enough after once, or twice, we say it.”
“I can too, right?”
I smiled at him in the mirror. “I told you, equal say in most things. Just not about when you get to come, when you get fucked, unless you say no.”
“I don’t say no, not to y’all.”
He was grinning and sitting back, the conversation obviously over for him. I told Damon, “We need to just make a contract, one full and complete but fluid.”
“I already did, just adding to it as we go through these first few steps and missteps.”
He turned his head to his window, but I could see his reflection, pensive, a worry line between his brows. It hit me, his guilt was eating at him, and I’d felt the same, an ache in the middle of my gut because we’d done something we’d promised we wouldn’t. Take something important from our boy.
It was Damon that hated it worst, the bull riding, and mostly because he’d seen it in his youth. He’d known those hurt from the extreme sport. When he started to fall for Joel, it became a worry he couldn’t get past.
It would come up again and again for him, I was sure, and we’d have to confront our guilt about it. Still, would we change our minds? That was yet to be seen.
We got back and unloaded before we three got into the shower and I was able to admire the marks I’d put on Joel. He had a little rope burn around his wrists and ankles, but the few bitemarks and hickeys were much darker.
Damon soaped Joel’s ass while I made out with him, then Damon washed his dick while I bit on his shoulders some more. Let’s just say, it was a great shower.
Eli and Noah came by to drop Millie off and let us know how things went while we were gone, and Millie barked so loudly, bouncing on a very happy Joel, that it took a bit before the five of us could have much conversation.
“She missed you,” Eli finally said. “She sat by the door, waiting for you.”
“I missed her too,” Joel said, petting her as he knelt on the grass. “She’s my sweetie pie.”
Noah nodded toward the barn. “Have ya seen it yet?”
“No! We got unpacked and cleaned up some,” Damon said then started for the barn, his excitement showing. I had to admit my excitement almost got the better of me, but Eli saw that. “We’ll go with you.”
“Great! I mean, I’d love to see it with you guys.”
“Sure,” Noah drawled.
The contractor had his men working weekends, being the job was big and paying well, and we were anxious to get finished. They were at the guesthouse that day, the entire crew, and we’d heard the tapping of hammers coming from that direction.
We’d wondered why, but there was no need to wonder further. As soon as I stepped into the barn, I gasped at the progress. Noah explained what the contractor had told him. “They still have the hanging lights to hook up to the new electric box, the bathrooms are almost done, just need the toilets. Then the booths can start being built and those weird rocking horse things you all ordered.”
“Weird, but fun, Noah,” Eli gently scolded. “It’s beautiful.”
It was. The walls were no longer simple sheetrock, but wood paneling and rock paneling covered all but the big wall Xen was coming to paint.
There were exposed beams and posts all over, coming from the new ceiling that cut off the peaked roof. Up in that area would be storage and where the heat and AC would be, once they were installed.
The floors were perfect as well, transparent laminate over the peanut shells and saw dust.
The faux bar fronts were in place, ready for old style bottles of whiskey that would be filled with colored water, and the only things missing from them were the stools and mirrors.
Damon was on his stage, the entire northeast corner of the barn taken by it. It wasn’t high, only two feet from the rest of the floor, but for him, standing there, he looked like the king of the place.
“This is everything we dreamed of Burke!”