Page 82 of Bulls and Their Boy


Joel was kissing my chest, trying to arouse me again, but if I got hard, I’d kill him. “Joel, stop.”


“I need a break!”

The conversation between Damon and Rod went on as Damon told him, “Give me your number and when it’s up and running, I’ll give you a job a weekend every month, and…you will have some fun too.”

“Hot damn! You got it!”

Joel licked my neck and whispered, “We can fuck ‘im again, right?”

“We’ll have to talk about it, the three of us. We’ve never discussed doing guys more than once, but as long as you don’t catch feelings, I don’t see a problem.”

More kissing my neck, and it was working. I felt myself coming out of relaxed and into aroused. “Joel, I need a rest, you tenacious little fucker.”

“Can’t he’p it.”

Rod got up and waited until his legs would hold him. “I gotta git anyhow, fellas. And I’m his ride, so he’s gotta go too. My daddy needs me on the ranch early.”

“My girl’s gonna be worried,” Stu said, getting up with a groan. “She’s gonna think y’all beat me with how sore I’m gonna be.”

After they were dressed, we three said goodbye to them, getting Rod’s number and Joel hugging then tightly, like we all hadn’t just shared sex. “See y’all.”

Damon sighed and noticed the same. “You…seem really detached.”

“Why be attached? They’s just fucks, like you said. Why?” he asked skeptically. “You like ‘em?”

“No! That’s not it at all,” Damon said, smiling. “Joel, we only want you. We never even thought about collecting boys, and I want you to know that. At the club, you’ll see men that have a bunch of subs, and they’re all loved and cared for, well, mostly. Some are simply there for mutual needs, but we three, we’re different. It’s only us at the end of the day.”

“A’righty then.”

Damon looked at me, shrugging, and I knew his feelings. We worried Joel would get attached and he worried the same about us. Who knew an orgy would clarify things so well?

“I’m starvin’ half to death! Let’s eat some o’ that food Damon brought.”

We ate and watched television for a couple hours while recuperating from the orgy, Joel planted squarely between us. He thanked us a few times for the fun night, and then told us several more times about how much he loved us.

It seemed when Joel discovered his love, there was no holding him back.

Damon and me, we felt exactly the same.

Chapter Twenty

In the car on the way back, we discussed being with men again. It wasn’t something I’d really thought much of, regrettably. Joel brought it up again while we were driving.

“Joel, this is new for us. Burke and me, we talked about getting a boy and the fun parts, but we hadn’t discussed rules outside of the ones he’d…now you would get. So, what are your thoughts on it?”

“Well, I’ll tell y’all, I don’t mind it a bit, but like y’all said to me, no feelin’s and all, but how? I mean, I liked them boys last night jus’ fine, but does that mean I caught feelin’s?”

“No, Joel. It’s like…” I tried to think of someone, then Roland came to mind. “Our architect, we like him as a friend. He’s a great person, handsome and smart, all of that, but we don’t feel about him like we do about you.”

“Y’all love Eli. I do too.”

“He’s just a friend, though, but a close one,” Damon reasoned. “And he’s with someone. Joel, what are you getting at?”

“I jus’ think it’s foolish as hell to think we’d never have feelin’s for guys we fuck.”