Page 79 of Bulls and Their Boy

“Yessir! That’s good advice. Can we, uh, still fuck?”

“Yeah. We are going to fuck.”

I had a thought, and it was bugging me, so I gritted, “I think it’s your turn to get in the ropes, Rod. Nice apple pie guy like you, all bound up like a pretty present for Damon? I think he’d like that reward after running for the condoms for us.”

Joel grabbed the rope from the floor and handed it to me. “Thoughtful as hell, ain’t ya?”

“I am! Joel, Stu, you ever hear of shibari?”

“Shit whatsit ?” Joel asked, his head cocked to the side, and I almost broke myself, keeping laughter away as I saw that Stu had his head cocked in the opposite direction. They looked like broken puppies.

“Shibari. It’s a Japanese technique for tying a person with ropes. It’s beautiful, when done right. I’m no expert, but I had a friend teach me a few tricks. Let’s get moving, I’ll need your help.”

Knots being made by both boys while the third looked on, curious, aroused and a little scared, I soothed him a little. “Rod, you’re going to be bound, but you can speak. If you feel like it’s too much, do you remember what word I said to call out?”

“Red, yessir. It’s not my first rodeo, sir.”

“You’ve done this?”

“Not shiwhatchamacallit , no, sir. Been tied up a-fore, been whooped on.”

“Did you like it?” My curiosity was piqued, and I also felt a little worry creep in. If he was stupid about safety with condoms, I was baffled how he would be safe with the lifestyle.

“Loved it, yessir!”

I smiled but asked, “Were you safe? I mean, with a guy that respected you enough to let you use a safeword?”

“He told me just to holler pizzaman if I wanted to quit.”

“Pizzaman,” I whispered, laughing. “That’s a great safeword. For tonight, for us, red is good.”

“Red, yessir.”

I tied the rope around his torso with his arms inside the circles, and knots lined almost perfectly down his chest and stomach. Almost perfect. I was no shibari master. After his arms were bound to his sides that way, I used the other two pieces of ropes to tie each leg bent. His calves pressed gently to the back of his thigh, and for some, that was terribly uncomfortable, but not him. He was watching it all being done while his tongue hung from the side of his mouth. It was pretty adorable.

We finished just as Damon came back into the room, and hanging on his arms were three of our totes we kept in the SUV for shopping. They were loaded.

“How many rubbers you get?” Joel called while he rushed to take the bags from him. “Lookie what we did!”

Damon looked at the bed, then grinned. “Nice. Very nice. I do love when you use your knots, babe.”

“Thanks. So, what’s in the bags?”

“I bought us some food for later. I figured we send these boys off in the morning with full bellies to go with their sore holes.”

Joel promptly started putting what food would fit in the mini fridge while Damon started undressing. He stared hard at Rod, licking his lips like he wanted to eat the handsome blond. “That is a sweet package Santa brought me.”

“I figure you start on him, then Joel can ride him or fuck him, then Stu, all while I watch.”

“Watcher and listener, you are,” he said while leaning into my mouth, planting a rough kiss there. “Sexy mother fucker you are.”

“You too, babe.”

Joel bounded over with the box of condoms, one in his mouth that he tore open and gave the condom to Damon, begging, “Fuck ‘im good! I wanna see!”

He was kissed hard too, and he melted in Damon’s arms before Damon pushed him over to me. I sat in one of the dining chairs and had Joel sit on my lap. “Stu, get over there and kiss on Rod while Damon fucks him. That should be lovely.”

“Yessir! Can I play with my dick?”