We continued to watch a minute and saw Joel pointing his thumb over his shoulder at us, and the ginger looked at us in the stands with a sly smile and nod. “Damon, did you see that?”
“We’re gonna play tonight. We had better stop at the store for extra condoms. I have a feeling we’ll need them.”
“And water. Lots of water.”
It wasn’t long after we got to the motel room that Joel came through the door. With him were the two cowboys, both taking off their hats as Joel introduced us all.
“Well, boys, these are my fellas, Damon with regular shirt and this is Burke in the T-shirt.”
The western shirt was the regular shirt. Nice .
“Damon, Burke, this here’s Rod and Stu, they’re a ropin’ team. Rod’s the heeler, and Stu, he’s the header.”
Not that his description meant a thing to me, but Damon had eyes on the two of them, and knowing him, he was already making plans. “You got any rope?”
“Yessir,” the blond, Rod, said. Rob and Stu. I thought crazily that at least their names would be easy to remember.
“Go get it,” Damon said, then looked to Stu as Rod headed out the door of the room. “You, there, you a good header?”
“Yes, I am, sir! Won second place!”
Damon opened his jeans and pushed them over his hips enough to pull out his half-hard dick. “Prove it.”
Stu simply stared at Damon’s dick for a moment, but Joel was giddy. He slapped Stu’s arm and told him in a whisper, “Get to it! Suck ‘is dick!”
“Oh! Okay, yeah, sure thing!”
Three Joels. This was going to be a strange but amazing night; I thought right then as Stu went to Damon and dropped hard to his knees on the beige carpet. He took to sucking Damon’s cock like it was his job, and I chuckled to myself as Damon grabbed the back of Stu’s head, helping him out a little.
Joel came right to me, kissing me softly. “I do good?”
“You did great, baby.”
“I should get a shower.”
I grabbed his arm, keeping him in place. “Don’t you dare. I want your scent on you.”
He whimpered as I kissed him, pushing our lips together brutally, and then I took over his mouth with mine, taking a handful of his hair and making a tight fist with it.
When Rod knocked, I let go of Joel long enough to let Rod into the room, and Damon called out, “Good! Now, heel that fucker right there.” He pointed right to Joel.
“’cuse me?”
Damon groaned as his head fell back and then he commanded, “Tie up that boy’s feet.” He righted his head and told Stu, “You, get his hands. Rope him up for us, fellas. We’re gonna gang bang this big winner tonight.”
I watched Joel’s jaw dropping for a split second before his lips curled into a smile I’d never seen from him, but it was wide enough that I saw every tooth in his head. He was joyous, and then, while the rest of us looked on, he went to Damon and knelt at his feet. “I give it all to y’all. My heart and the rest o’ me.”
Damon was as shocked as I was, but he recovered quickly, caressing his knuckles over Joel’s cheek. “Burke and me, we take them and don’t ever think we don’t know what a fucking gift you are to us.” His voice then deepened as he said, “Those boys are gonna tie you up, help us fuck you and maybe, if you’re really good, I’ll let you ride us after we’re finished taking turns on you.”
He jumped up to his feet in one crazy move and then jumped again into the air. “Hot damn! Let’s get to it!”
“Boys, all you gotta do is say to stop if anything gets too much. Say red, so we know you are not just babbling while we’re fucking you. Got it?” I asked, getting nods and repeats of the word. “Good boys.”
The other two finally stopped looking like they were scared rabbits, and Rod got his rope out, leering at Joel. “You ready?”
“Ready, hell yeah!”
Stu pushed Joel on the bed, and they started to get his clothes off him, and none too gently. I liked these guys already. Joel was thrown this way and that on the bed, his boots thrown over their shoulders, socks pulled off and Joel was laughing like he was having the best time ever. Then buttons flew in all directions from his shirt, and he was dragged mostly off the bed while the two cowboys tried to pull his pants off him.