Page 61 of Bulls and Their Boy

“He’s going to hate us a little, but yeah,” I said, holding in most of my laughter. “We’re gonna surprise him, but how?”

“Leave it to me,” Damon whispered, kissing me hard. “Oh, damn, this is fun.”

Damon didn’t enjoy anything more than playing with a submissive’s head. As much as he loved fucking, using a strap on them, floggers, he loved the mind games.

We wrenched the smiles from our faces, placing grim scowls there before we reentered the room. Damon went to the best first, standing over Joel as Joel blinked up at him, so innocently, it was adorable.

“Whatcha thinkin’?”

“Joel, you’re always such a good boy for us, but things like this can’t go unpunished. Coming without permission, then a lack of trust in your Doms, which can’t ever happen again, either thing.”

“I’ll be good!”

“I’m sure you will, next time. Because if not, then you’ll be punished again.”

His dick definitely jumped that time. Little fucker…

Damon, the genius, sat on the bed and patted Joel’s leg lovingly. “For coming without permission, no sex at all, in any way, for a week. No jerking off, no getting dick in your ass or mouth.”

“But ain’t that punishing y’all too?”

“No. We’re polyamorous, Joel. We can fuck other men.”

“Y’all said we gotta be together when we do that!”

I had caught on plainly to where Damon was going, so I said, “You’ll be there, Joel. It’s called cuckolding. We can fuck someone all we want, with you there, it’s true. You won’t be allowed to join in, however. You’ll be bound and gagged.”

“No, not gagged,” Damon argued, and I smiled in spite of trying to be so serious. “The second part of his punishment is not speaking to anyone at all for a week.”

“I gotta rodeo!”

“Let me finish. For that and to speak to your family, you can, but limited. Don’t draw out the conversations. Even Xen, you can text him that you’re being punished, but you can text to him when we give our permission.”

Joel’s dick went as limp as any dick could get. I laughed when I saw that. “Y’all could jus’ whoop my ass an’ be done wit’ it!”

“Oh, what fun would that be?”

He finished off ourselves, jacking off on his face, covering it completely and making him lie there while all that cum dried. We went out to the kitchen to drink some ice water and cool down, though we could barely contain our laughter.

“You’re a fucking genius, Damon, truly. Cuckolding? Who are we fucking in front of him?”

“Found a guy on that kink website. He was going to meet up with us here before we figured Joel was a candidate. Just a fuck, he couldn’t move here, but he’s still messaging me.”


“Nice little ass, yeah, cute as hell. Just turned thirty.”

“Sweet. Well, my love, this is turning out to be more fun than I thought. The only thing is…doing our first foursome with Joel, without letting him join…won’t that hurt him?”

“Punishments are made for fun, Burke, but I’m not a total prick. I figure, after an hour or so, we’ll untie him and let him have some dick. I’ll set it up for after his fucking stupid goddamned rodeo.”


“I had friends that did it, Burke, and those guys are old men now! My age, but they walk as if they’re seventy. I thought that was bad enough, but then realizing Joel could die from this, or get enough concussions to make him sick for the rest of his life…it’s too much. My heart in invested now.”

“I get it baby,” I said, taking him into my arms. “I get it. We’ll try to talk him into stopping. We just can’t forbid him to do it.”

“I know,” he said miserably. “I know.”