Page 49 of Bulls and Their Boy

“Well, hells bells,” he groaned, sitting back on the couch. “More talkin’.”

“Yes. More,” I said, then cleared the emotion from my voice. “Now, with that love, with the sex, it comes with things.”

“Danged ol’ rules and such. I know. Xen done tol’ me.”

“Xen would know,” Damon agreed. “I’m glad he told you some things.”

“What he said, I’m sure he was being truthful, but his life with Memphis, I’m certain, will be much different than ours. For one, they’re monogamous. We’re not.”

“Polywhatits, right. What’s that ‘gain?”

Damon was turning away to hide his smile and I hated him a little because I couldn’t do that. “We are a…some call it throuple, or triad or threesome. We could, as some like us do, and just have sex with each other, which would be plenty, but we like to invite others into play with us too. It’s nothing missing from us, it’s just sex, and it keeps us from becoming complacent in our relationship.”

“Sounds ta me like we’re jus’ three guys that like ta fuck a lot.”

Damon couldn’t keep it in any longer and started laughing. “Joel, you fucking kill me.”

“Well, ain’t it?”

“Yeah, we like to fuck a lot,” I confirmed, but added, “Only with the permission of each other and only with each other. I don’t go out at night, fuck around and come home. Damon and I, and now you, we’ll fuck people together. That’s always been our rule.”

“I git it. That’s fine ‘an dandy with me.”

“Really? Because, it’s very serious to us, Joel, and if at any time, you want to stop with us all being with other men, you only have to say the word.”

Damon was nodding and Joel about had his neck on a swivel as he looked from me to Damon to me again. “What?”

“Jesus, Joel,” Damon sighed. “You get a say in this. Did Xen tell you that you have the end all, be all power in this dynamic?”

“What’s that?”

“The safeword. That stops anything and everything. You can use it while you’re getting whipped or fucked, but if we’re doing something out of the bedroom you don’t like, you can use it then too. Or, in that case, just talk to us.”

“I don’t git it.”

Damon could get frustrated, but his patience was commendable. “You telling us your limits, and that’s got a lot to do with what we do with you physically and stuff, like whipping you, spankings whatever, but more than that, it’s the rest of it. You are an equal partner with us. You get to say if we fuck other men, or if we buy a car, or if we decide to move, or whatever. You get a say. If you put a hard limit on us never buying a pickup, then we don’t do it. We’ll maybe try to plead our side, sure, but if you put your foot down, you know that we’ll be okay with that.”

“It ain’t just about pissin’ on me?”

Sometimes I felt like he had my nuts in a blender. “Wh…what’s that?”

“Ya know, peein’ on me. Xen said that was a limit.”

“Sure, Joel, it is, but no, it’s not all of it,” Damon explained. “See, as your Doms, we’ll try to push you on soft limits. Like, say, you don’t like eating your vegetables, so you put that on a soft limit. Say you absolutely hate broccoli, hard limit. We might argue that it’s good for you, but we’d never push too hard for you to eat it. The same for anything. We’ll want you to do things, and some we’ll push, because we think you can not only handle them, but might like them. Others, like…like peeing, if you say no, never, hard limit, then we respect that.”

“Like, oh, say I don’t wanna suck y’all’s dicks?”

I laughed because that was not happening. “Nice try. If you even try to put that on a limit at all, I’d faint.”

He grinned like he’d almost got one past me. “Yeah, well, I could, though, right?”

“Right,” I affirmed. “If it was something you couldn’t bring yourself to do, then yes, it’s a limit.”

“Hells bells.” He thought for a moment, chewing his bottom lip as he did so. When he’d come up with his thought, his brows drew hard and he asked Damon, “So what are y’all doin’ then?”

“What do you mean?”

“Well, I’ll tell ya. If I’m doin’ all the work, comin’ up with the rules and such, what are y’all doin’? Sittin’ on yer keisters?” We both stared in complete disbelief, then he cracked up at his own joke and we realized he was kidding. “Yeah, gotcha.”