Page 48 of Bulls and Their Boy

“I’m always up for a ride.”

Damon pushed him toward our Land Rover. “Get the fuck in the car.”

He chuckled all the way there while we waved to Noah and Eli. “Gee you guys at least next weekend before you take off.”

“Thanks,” Eli called after us.

Once we were driving, though, I had to stick to our word. “Joel, I’m really glad you and Xen talked about the lifestyle. I’m even more glad he warned you about abusive men.”

“Y’all ain’t like that.”

“We could have been,” Damon countered. “We’re not, and that’s good, but Joel, we can be rough at times. That sex last night, well, for us, that was pretty fucking tame.”

“I watched y’all with that guy, ‘member? Y’all practically ate him up! I seen it, I know! Point is, well, I like it rough too. Why would I ride on old bulls iffin I didn’t like some rough?”

He continued to make good points. Still, I said, “I get that, babe, but Joel, you could come across men that only want to hurt you, and not in the way we do, within the boundaries of the lifestyle.”

“So y’all were lyin’ to me.”

Damon took off his seatbelt and turned to him, angry. “What the fuck are you talking about?”

“That y’all want me for good! Iffin you’re warnin’ me about other men, you must think I’ll need the warnin’s.”

Damon turned back to face the front, and I glanced over to him. I was about to speak, but he beat me to it. “Joel, if I have my way, you will be with us for as long as we fucking live. But part of that is on you too.”

“I done said it already. How much I gotta say some’in ‘fore y’all listen to me? But I jus’ gotta do all the listenin’, right?”

There we had our first fight. And it wasn’t so much a fight, as it was Damon and me not listening, like Joel was saying. I finally gave in and said, “This is why we need to have more discussions, serious discussions. Joel, we want you, believe us. We’re not kidding or playing with you.”

He didn’t say another word until we got home and went into the house. Still, he crossed his arms over his chest as he sat on the couch, and that hat was over his eyes again. I had the urge to slap the damn thing off his head again, but I refrained and asked him to take it off instead.

He did and we sat near him, but not by him. Damon sat at the coffee table, I on the big chair and together, we started gently. Damon first.

“Sorry, Joel. We’re…new at this too. We didn’t mean to come off like we thought you’d be with other men like you are with us.”

“Yeah, Joel, we want you with us, for good. We were trying to go slow, not rush, but it rushed us! We started to have feelings for you way beyond being our boy, and we weren’t ready yet with how to deal with that. For that, and for ever making you think differently, we’re both sorry.”

He did meet our eyes, first mine, then Damon’s. When he spoke, I heard the hurt there. “I never put my heart into nobody. Y’all’s it. Iffin you gonna ditch me, do it now.”

Damon got on the couch and brought him close, kissing his head. “We’re not getting ditching you. Dammit, Joel don’t you get it?”

“Get what?”

“We love you, idiot.”

I felt the tears crowding into my eyes, felt my heart nearly burst with the love there, and I nodded when Joel looked at me for my confirmation. “Yeah, Joel,” I said as my voice broke. “I fucking love you.”


“You generally say it back now,” Damon said, brushing a tear from his own eye.

“Oh! I love y’all! I do!” He jumped off the couch and did a little dance that was hilarious, but he was grinning so big, I saw all his teeth. “Let’s celebrate!”

I knew he was going to suggest fucking, so I cut him at the knees. “Sit. Now.”

Damon winked over at me. “He was about to ask us to fuck.”

“I know.”