Page 36 of Bulls and Their Boy

It was beautiful, as I looked back at them, Joel leaning back on the wall, Xen laughing silently. They were enjoying one another like old friends. I’d never seen Joel take to anyone so fast.

There were two horses, one mare and one gelding, Memphis called it. I didn’t know what that meant, but Damon did. “So, no chance of breeding them, well, Burke’ll like that.”

“Don’t want a foal?”

Again, I was lost. “Foal?”

“Baby horse,” Damon explained, helping Memphis to get them out of the horse trailer.

“I thought those were colts, or…what’s the other word?”


“Yes,” I said to Memphis.

“Yessir, that’s a male and then a female. A foal is for all of ‘em.”

“I see,” I said, laughing. “As you can probably tell, this is my first time, owning a…”

“Ranch,” Damon finished for me, leading one of the horses to me. “It’s called a ranch, babe.”

“Ranch. Okay, it’s a ranch.”

“You’ll love it,” Memphis said without a doubt in his mind, it seemed.

The horse Damon was leading was beautiful, reddish brown coat and long mane of the same.

“This is the mare, Burke,” Damon explained. “Good breeding, good teeth, and muscles are worked regularly, I can see.”

“Daily. We take care of our horses.”

“I can tell,” he said. “We’ll take her for sure. She’s four?”

“Just that. Had the doc check ‘er out last month, got those papers along with the others in the truck and I can have Xen send the digital copies to ya too.”

“Thanks. She’s perfect. I have just the stall for her. What’s her name?”

“Her given name, that’s on the papers is Pilgrim’s Maiden, but Xen, there, he named her Puck. Don’t ask me why.”

The other horse was brought out and they looked him over. Seems a gelding is a male horse, only castrated. I hated the sound of that, and expressing that, found I wasn’t alone.

“Now, I know why some do it, some male horses get up to all kinds of mischief, but I just can’t do it to ‘em. This boy here, he was left with me, the owners stopped payin’ and so I took hold of ‘im. I have three of my own now, well, one of ‘em’s all Xen’s. I have more comin’ in for boarding, and just don’t have the room, see?”

“We’ll take him,” Damon said as he pet the horse on the neck, looking in his eyes. “He’s beautiful.”

He was. The gelding, named Patch, was a soft brown with black man and big, huge brown eyes. I could tell Damon loved him the minute he saw the horse.

“Well, great!”

“Will you stay and have dinner with us? It seems the boys are getting along. I mean,” I hadn’t meant to say boys, but it was habit. Memphis noticed me biting my lip over that and whispered, “He’s yer boy, huh? Xen’s my boy, my partner and my husband.”

Damon cackled, “Busted, Burke.”

“Yes, we’re new. Damon and I have been together a while now, but we’ve been looking and finally found our boy. At least, the beginning of it. We’re trying to take it slowly.”

“I tried that,” Memphis admitted, with a big smile. “That little man in there, well, he took my heart and sunk his teeth in it. Didn’t let me wait long before I made him mine, then I married him to boot.”

“But you’re in…the lifestyle?”