Page 34 of Bulls and Their Boy

A shoulder was shrugged then and he stammered a bit, fidgeted more, but he finally answered. “Didn’t think I was nothin’ much.”

“You are. You are much.”

“You too. I like ya. I really like ya.”

“I like you too. Let’s see if we can’t get all the way to love really soon, hmm?”

“Real soon, sure thing!”

I took his hand, leading him to the stables where Damon was for the morning, and once inside, he stood from where he had been crouched, fixing yet another loose board. “Damon, want to make out with our boy for a minute? Thought we’d share our first real kiss with him.”

“Don’t have to ask me twice,” he said and barreled over to Joel, shoving him against the outer wall before he started to kiss him deeply.

At first, Joel was too surprised to kiss back, but that didn’t last, wrapping his arms around Damon, kissing him back so hard his hat fell to the ground. I simply watched, amazed at them, forgetting that I wanted in on it for a moment. The scene was too precious, and timely. Joel had been showing signs of needing it, longing in his eyes when he looked our way.

When Damon stepped away, Joel almost fell forward, but I stepped in place to catch him, and when my lips met his, a circle had finally closed.

We’d been like one of the horseshoes that hung over the doorways in the stables. Always open side up, to keep luck from running out, I was told by the two country boys in my life. After leaning my head over the smaller man, I pressed my lips to his. With Joel’s kiss, how good it felt for our mouths to come together, his lips moving slowly, letting me command the kiss, it made me feel like we’d reached that place where it closed.

I ran my thumb gently over his jaw while I continued the kiss, and his hands both lay on my chest. It was a sweet moment, hot too, but it felt right. I felt like everything.

The three of us, we were one, and I knew then I’d never wonder on it again. Oh, fear would strike me that I could lose either of them, but with my hands on Joel’s tiny, hard waist and his leg trying to wrap around me, I knew he was mine, just like Damon was.

I stopped the kiss and let my forehead touch his, resting there. “Damn, Joel, you can kiss.”

“Oh yeah? Wait ‘til y’all see me fuck.”

“Tempting little fucker, you are.”

“I could say that right back atcha!” He let his hand move to my crotch, and there he gave my hardening dick a good squeeze. “Let me suck ya.”

“No,” I said, but I wanted to, badly. “Not quite yet. But not long now. I don’t think either of us could wait much longer.”

I let Damon have another turn, watching him holding Joel off the ground a couple inches as he pressed him solidly to that wall. Both of Joel’s legs managed to wrap around Damon’s hips, and they started to grind on one another.

If the truck hadn’t pulled in when it did, I don’t think any of us could have waited. We’d have had our first fuck right in that stable.

As it was, however, I had to will my dick to soften before I told the two of them, “I have a surprise. Get off each other!”

Damon pulled back, but his eyes were black with his lust. “This is enough surprise for me.”

I pulled him from Joel, who was grinning like he’d never been so happy. “Whatdja do that fer?’

“Damon, look outside.”

He poked his head around the corner of the doorway, and I saw him staring, bug-eyed, then he turned to me. “What the hell?”

“You and Joel have to give the okay, but I figured you needed something to start to fill these stalls.”

“Horses? You…babe!”

I was kissed then, but he rushed outside right after, and Joel and I watched from the doorway a second. His hand wrapped into mine as he whispered, “That was ‘bout the sweetest. You done right by ‘im.”

“And you. If you’re with us, they’re yours too.”

“No shit?”

“No shit. Go, check them out.”