Page 31 of Bulls and Their Boy

“No ‘count piece of horse shit!”

Wham! A punch to his face, and Harvey could only take it, as he was duct taped to one of the beams that held up the floor of the loft.

I got to him first, taking him away from Harvey, grabbing his upper arms. “Joel! What are you doing here?”

“Saw a car, thought you was fuckin’. Snuck ‘round the corner and saw this piece of horse shit,” he said, then lunged at Harvey again. “Don’t ever come ‘round, tryin’ to hurt my friends!”

Damon was cracking up, as was Javi, who asked between guffaws, “Who is this kid? I like him!”

“This is…this is Joel,” I said, then pulled Joel away to a corner of the barn. He was still riled, but he did face me. “Let me explain.”

“You caught him. What needs splainin’?”

He did understand. “Our friend, he’s not exactly…he’s…”

“He ain’t a cop, well duh. I don’t give a good goddamn who he is. He caught ‘im. I know a pig farm right up that road there. We can git rid o’ ‘im quick-like!”

I smiled, though I knew that would encourage him. “Joel, we’re handing him to the police. Eventually…”

He grinned up at me, eyes sparkling, and I wanted to kiss him, to just hold him and never let go. When he was excited about something, he fucking shined. “Y’all gonna do bad thin’s to ‘im?”

“No! Well, we’re…Joel, you shouldn’t know any of this. It makes you as guilty as us.”

That pissed him off, and man, he was a firecracker when he was mad. He took off right away to head back over to Harvey as he shouted, “I don’t give a sorry rat’s ass, bein’ guilty! This piece of horse shit tried to kill my friends!”

Damon and Javi were watching, their smiles not helping a bit. Damon said to Joel, “You’re guilty now, with us, anyway.”

“Damon, fuck!”

“Well, he is,” Javi reasoned.

Joel set his thumbed in the front pocket of his jeans, grinning back at them when I caught up to him. “See that? They done said it theyselves.”

“Fine, but all we’re doing is making him hurt a little financially. I figured, give some to Eli, being he fucking earned it, being this fucker’s maid all those years, and then, Javi, for finding him, and we’d keep some.”

“He’s got ‘nough to go ‘round. Take it! Spread it out, then we’ll take ‘im to the pig farm.”

“This kid is my new idol,” Javi whispered, laughing. After I continued to glare at him, though, he added, “But Burke is right, Joel,” he gave, after clearing his throat, losing his smile. “It’s better this way.”

“Damn, I guess that’s true ‘nough.”

Harvey’s eyes were moving from one of us to another, and they were huge, as he heard he’d be giving up his money. I went up to him, seeing the red marks from Joel hitting him bright on his pale face.

Eli had been with him for over two years, and in all that time, Harvey never let Eli work outside the home. Eli was a submissive, in need of a dominant, which Harvey represented himself to be, but instead used his dominance to make Eli a servant.

When Eli left him, he’d taken a watch. Because he’d lost his servant and a watch, Harvey had gone after Eli, first legally, and when that didn’t work, thanks to Noah’s legal contacts, he’d come to Noah’s ranch to kill Noah. He was planning to frame Eli for it. Joel didn’t let that happen, pulling out a gun on him. All of this went through my mind, and I grew angrier with each thought.

The one thing shining through it, though, was Joel. Though Harvey had escaped, it didn’t matter. Joel had saved Eli and Noah.

Because they were his friends, he wanted to hurt Harvey more, and though I wouldn’t let him, I loved him for it.

Javi pinched Harvey’s chin. “If you don’t want to end up pig feed, I suggest you turn over your bank accounts. And I mean all of them.”

“Yeah,” Damon agreed, adding, “And I know about the ones in the Camans. You moved everything after you ran.”

As his eyes closed, I knew we had him.

We brought out a computer to him and took off the tape from his mouth. Joel stood close, and I know he wanted to hit him again, but refrained.