Page 136 of Bulls and Their Boy

When Julio came into the room, standing just inside the door, holding Gerome’s hand as they watched the free for all, he told his Dom, “Those other two wanted me to tell you guys that they’re off with a couple of go-go boys for the night, but they want a raincheck.”

Damon pulled out of PJ’s ass, the ass he was in when the two entered the room and laughed over at them. “Well, they’ve got them. Why don’t we take this to our house, where there’s more room? I have a feeling this could last a while.”

Beast pulled out of Joel and stripped off the condom. “I’d love to see Julio and PJ take a turn on Joel if you guys don’t mind.”

Joel’s eyes moved from Julio to PJ, then to Damon. “Can I?”

“Sure, babe. This is your night.”

We untied his arms, and he dragged them both to his chest, whining, “Dang if that don’t hurt.”

“You’ll still be tied,” I warned, “But we’ll tie you differently.”

“’s long as I’m still fuckin’, don’t rightly care.”

The men in the room laughed and Sebastian purred, “Love his accent. Makes me crazy.”

“Sebastian, the air blowing makes you crazy,” Julio accused.


We gave Joel the key to the house and gave them all permission to get started without us as we did a couple rounds at the club which was still hopping. The bouncers were keeping an eye on things, and Brian Lauder came up to us, his boys right behind him. “We’re going to adjourn to our room for the night, but I’m glad to see you. My boys and I had a wonderful time and we’ll be back tomorrow night, after a long session tonight and rest tomorrow.”

“We’re grilling at two tomorrow,” I told him. “We figured everyone would be sleeping in some.”

“That’s perfect. This is a wonderful place. You all have outdone yourselves.”

“Thanks for being there for Eli. He’s…he’s like my brother and I worry over him a lot.”

Brian nodded as said, “Noah is a good man for him, a good Dom and he’s going to make a great husband. I think your worries for him are over, at least partially. Now, you have a boy, and let me tell you, you’ll worry over him constantly.”

Morgan’s eyes moved to his Sir, and he smiled sweetly.

“You would know. Thanks for coming.”

We then went to Hud, who was close by Thiago. “His name is Theo, he says now. That’s what he’s making the boys sucking him say, anyway,” Hud told me in confidence. “He’s mean with them.”

I was about to scream and kick him out, but Hud stopped me.

“Not hurting them. Just snapping at them, ordering them around, and if they get up to go, he throws money at them. He’s gonna be a handful.”

“He won’t be invited back until he has more respect,” I told Hud. “I won’t have people abused in any way here. When you can, take him back to his room.”

“Him and Blondie are ready to head back soon. They are gonna double team that guy sucking Theo’s cock right now. He seems into it, I think he likes being degraded, but I’d still like to ring Theo’s neck.”

“I’m going to speak to Javi about him. The fucker is here to hide out from whatever bullshit he pulled and pissed off the wrong people. You’d think he’d be a little humble.”

“Yeah, right.”

After one more round and stopping to watch a man on stage wrapping his boy up completely, demonstrating total sensory deprivation, we headed back to our house. The bouncers knew to let the party go on as long as people were still enjoying themselves and to get us if there was any trouble.

Right then, we were anxious to be back with Joel. We trusted Beast and his boys…to an extent. But we trusted Joel with no one like we did with us.

The noises coming from the bedroom were lewd, loud and Damon purred as we neared, “I think Joel’s having fun.”

I stopped him near the kitchen, holding his hands. “Damon, this is…okay, right?”

“What’s on your mind?”