Page 113 of Bulls and Their Boy

I was confused before it hit me. The equipment from Bear Lake. “Is this from Sean Ashby from Bear Lake?”

“I think so. Here they come.”

A pickup was coming up the road, and driving it was a tall, ginger haired man with a long, thick beard. I called the house and told Damon and Joel to come ahead, and they started running over just as the man stopped the engine. He exited the truck and from the other side came a pretty man that bulged with muscles, dark hair and a wide smile for me. He approached first. “Burke or Damon?” He said as he came to shake my hand.

“Burke,” I said, then asked, “Ferris or Isaac?”

“Nick Perez,” he corrected, then waved to the other man. “This is Sean Ashby, the artist.”

“Hell, I’m just a wood worker,” he said, then shook my hand.

Damon and Joel came up beside me and we all introduced ourselves before I explained to my partners, “Nick Perez, he’s the marketing guy for Slutae I’ve been talking to about the supplies for the club. Sean Ashby, the man that makes equipment for clubs and private playrooms.”

“Right,” Damon said. “We’ve long been admirers. Your work is incredible.”

“Thanks. I was talking to Pez, here, and he had a shipment going out for you, so I swung up to Denver and picked him up and the stuff. We needed the trip anyway.”

“Great! Everything here at once. Well, we’ve got the backs for the work. We’ll get this unloaded,” I said, gleeful that the rest of the things for the club were in, and we met the two men I’d gotten to know on the phone too.

Joel called Eli and Noah to come over and help, being that Eli was dying to see the things from the site and meet the wood working artist that made them. When they arrived, we got everything unloaded quickly and the driver of the big rig was heading down the road soon after.

Sean and Pez, Pez was Nick’s nickname, I thought with a giggle, looked around the club in awe. With their seal of approval, I knew we had something special. Sean said, “This is beautiful. Perfectly themed for the country, and nicely planned.”

“This is fucking great,” Nick, or Pez, said, then set his hand over his mouth. “Sorry, been with like-minded man for hours.”

“No problem here. We’re opening a sex club, I think we’re okay with that particular word,” Damon said, slapping Pez on the back.

“These boys cuss up a storm like the rest of us,” Noah said.

Joel was being his shy self, off in a corner looking into the boxes from Slutae itself. I went over to him while Damon went with Sean to the private rooms in the loft to start to set up a few things. “You okay?”

“Don’t like strangers.”

“I understand, Joel. I don’t know why, though. You make friends so easily. Look at Xen.”

“Xen’s differ’nt.”

“You know that Nick’s good friends with Xen too, right?”

“He is?”

“Yes,” I told him, and he got his phone out to confirm what I’d said.

Once Xen texted back, Joel smiled. “Well, shoot, it’s true.”

“So, maybe go talk to him a little. Start with asking after your mutual friend.”

“He’s gonna think I’m weird.”


Joel scuffed his boot on the floor while staring down at it. “Ever’body does. “Septin’ a few.”

“You’re different, Joel, but that doesn’t make you weird. Go, talk to him.”

I followed him over and Joel nodded to Pez but wouldn’t look him in the eye. “Burke tol’ me you’s friends with Xen, and Xen said it too.”

“I am. He’s a very good friend. My partners and I love him a lot.”