“Good! Well, Joel, honey, I’m gonna get home. I got a ton o’ work to do.”
“I’ll help, Mama, you know that.”
“I’m fine, honey. Jus’ worryin’ o’er my baby.”
He turned red and set his head down like Damon.
“I’m yer Mama. Don’t backtalk me.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
She left in the same flurry as she had the last time, when she warned that we’d be pig shit if they hurt Joel.
I took Joel’s hand, then Damon’s, leading them both back to the bedroom. I made them get on the bed, and cuddle, while I went and made some tea.
In the kitchen, waiting for the water to boil, I seethed. Not only had the man fucked with Joel’s head, but he threatened our standing in the community, threatened our business too. I checked on my two men quickly to see them holding one another on the bed, and hurried back to the kitchen, phoning Eli. “Burke, fuck, are you guys okay? I was about to call.”
“Eli, I’ll murder the mother fucker. It’s Joel and now Damon, they’re both just shaken badly. The fucker is threatening us!”
“I know, believe me. It’s not going to happen. Noah has been here all his life. He knows all these people, and they love him. He’s been on the phone since he heard about Joel’s dad talking to people. One of his friends called him right away.”
“And, between calls, he’s cussing up a storm, but during the call, he’s as smooth as the good lube. Stop worrying. I promise, you’re good. Just take care of Joel. Noah said…none of us know it all about what he put Joel through. It was a lot more than just cleaning up after him on his binges.”
I looked toward the bedroom. “He said something about him saying mean shit to him.”
“That’s an understatement. From Noah’s cussing, from what I could piece together, he was against Joel being gay for a lot longer than since he found religion. Called him all kinds of shit, tried to bring home a hooker for him once, and Pam found them, chased her off and beat the fuck out of Joel’s dad with a fly swatter.”
I tried not to laugh, but the picture in my head was great. “Good. Too bad it wasn’t a baseball bat.”
“Right? What an asshole. Anyway, take care of them. Noah’s got your back for the rest of it.”
“The club, Eli. They could have a fit and shut it down before it starts.”
“That’s not going to happen. Noah’s entire speech to his friends is all about freedom, and minding their own business, and what would they do if someone came into their bedrooms and told them what to do. It’s really…great.”
“If anyone can, it’s Noah. Thanks, babe. I’ll call you tomorrow.”
When I took the tea into them, I heard giggles, and my heart leapt at the sound. Damon looked over to me and waved. “Hi! Let me introduce you to little faggot and Nancy.”
“Damon, you know I hate those slurs.”
“Me too, but our folks liked them just fine. We’re embracing them right now so jump on board.”
“Both are wrong, and I refuse, but I’m glad you two seem better.”
They sat up to take their cups and I sat on the edge of the bed. “We are,” Joel said.
“His mom is great, your parents are fucking amazing, if a little noisy.”
I laughed and had to agree. “A little, yeah.”
“I was bragging to Joel about your mom’s ziti. He is hungry now, so…”
I just so happened to know how to make my mother’s baked ziti. “I’ll make it. I have the stuff.”