Page 100 of Bulls and Their Boy

They were also bringing a few friends, they said.

Joel was staring at the mural again when I wrapped my arms around him. “You guys had fun.”

“Sure did. He’s a goodun, that guy. Weird as all hell, but I ‘spect we’re all a little weird.”

“I’m not,” Damon said as he came to stand by us.

“No?” Joel asked him, chuckling. “Not a bit?”

“Maybe a bit.”

Damon took Joel from me and led him to the door. “We have some work to do, boy, now that you’re all ours again.”

“Oh, hell, are we fuckin’?”

“We’re fuckin’,” Damon confirmed.

And we did, fucking Joel in the stable. The horses were out in the fence, so Damon tied him to the slats of one of the stalls and started going to town on him right away, then I took my turn. Joel was spread eagle, and if he wasn’t bound so well, he’s have likely slipped into the splits.

That made it hard for me, keeping my knees bent so hard, so I finally untied him and fucked him standing as he wrapped around me, wailing like a crazy man. When Damon got behind Joel, he asked in a grunt, “Double stuff?”

Joel’s cries stopped long enough for him to blink at me cutely. “Double?”

“Can you take us both at the same time?”

“I’ll try anythin’ once!”

Damon lubed up well and slowly pushed his dick next to mine in Joel’s ass. It was tight, damn, and my dick was squeezed like it was in a vice. I watched Joel’s face redden, his head thrown back as his mouth fell open, and it was possibly the most beautiful sight I’ve ever witnessed.

“Too much, you say so, Joel,” Damon warned him.

“Fuckin’ stuffed like a thanksgivin’ gobbler, but I’m okay!’

His dick slid a little deeper, and having it so close to mine was erotic in itself. Our cocked, squeezed together inside of Joel’s tight ass, which was the pinnacle of my sexual life, right in that stable. It felt much bigger than sex, though. It made me feel it all, how close we all were, figurative and literally. All the doubts I’d had about how it would work, if it would work, they all went away in that precious, and dirty, moment.

It didn’t take Damon and me long to come, and for Joel being such a good sport, taking that massive stretch, he was sucked by the both of us, as we knelt on the hay, until he’d come so hard, his legs wouldn’t hold him.

I carried him back to the house and took out the tablet we’d been listing our limits and needs. What we hadn’t written in the contract was the goal.

“What goal?” Joel asked as I mentioned it.

We were sitting in our living room, the last time we’d be able to before Devlin’s men came to start the remodel, and we’d be living in the guesthouse for a week.

“Goals,” Damon explained, “are what we want for our relationship. Now, sure, we want to last, we want to make you into our submissive, which we’ve started slowly doing, but what else? Now, I think Burke wants a goal or two for us, as a throuple, then individual ones too.”

“Schoolin’,” he grumbled. “I know it.”

I nodded and kissed his head. “Yeah. What else, just for you?”

“I was thinkin’, and y’all ain’t gonna like it…”

The first thought that came to my head was that he wanted to ride bulls again. “Joel…”

“Now, wait a dang minute an’ let me get it out!”

“Don’t raise your voice, Joel,” Damon chastised.

“Sorry, Sir,” he said to me, giving me Xen’s puppy dog eyes. I held back my laughter, so he’d continue. “It’s just…I like rodeoin’ and iffin I can’t ride a bull, and I knows you ain’t gonna let me ride a buckin’ horse either, I thought I’d try my hand at ropin’.”