Page 63 of Bulls and Their Boy

“That’s terrific,” Noah said, laughing.

“How’s the club coming?” Eli asked, cagily, like he had something more on his mind than the inquiry.

“It’s great. By the end of the summer, it’ll be ready for the grand opening.”

Eli’s eyes cut to Noah, and Noah smirked at him. “Eli, goddamn.”

“What are we missing?” Damon asked.

“He wants to do the branding now.”

“Now? Why?”

“Wait a minute, it’s just,” Eli started, then got up and started to pace, which Noah got up to stop immediately.

“Sit. Now.”

Eli had anxiety issues that both Noah and Eli’s psychologist had been working on for over a year. “We have to do it!”

Noah knelt on the porch in front of him. “We don’t have ta do a thing, Eli.”

I thought maybe I knew what was going on. “Eli, if you’re worried about Harvey, he’s in jail. He’s not getting out anytime soon.”

“He could. He’s up for attempted murder, Burke. And if he can find someone to post bail, he’ll be out sooner.”

“We took all his money,” Damon reminded him. “They’d have to be crazy. He’s a pretty bad risk.”

“He’s still got the apartment, his cars, his watches…” Eli said the last like he’d puke. He’d stolen a watch from the man, sparking his anger in the first place.

“Then let him. We’re here, Eli. Not one of us on this porch is going to let him hurt you, or Noah!”

Joel was slapping my leg, pointing to his mouth with the other hand. “Go ahead, Joel.”

“I’ll whip the dickens right out o’ that mother fucker! I’ll kill ‘im!”

“Oh, quiet again, Joel,” Damon warned. To Eli, he soothed, “Honey, what would a brand do to stop him?”

“Would you want a man again that had another man’s brand on him?”

I was confused but Noah shook his head to me, and I didn’t ask the questions plaguing me. Instead, I asked Damon to leave us alone, and take the two subs with him. “What’s going on?”

“I don’t know,” I whispered after Noah and Eli went into the house to get each of us a beer. “That’s what I’m trying to find out. Take Joel and Eli to the barn or something. Ask questions about…something. I don’t know enough to know what to even ask, that’s on you guys. Joel,” I said to him. “For now, so you can ask Eli what to do while they’re gone, like detailed things, you can speak.”

“Thank ya. What’s wrong wit’ ‘im?”

Joel’s eyes were tearing, and it again hit me how much he cared for his friends. “Baby, don’t worry, please. I’ll figure it out and while I’m doing that, you guys keep Eli’s mind off things.”

“Yessir. I’ll do mah best.”

I kissed him and whispered in his ear, “You’re being so fucking good, Joel that I might shorten your punishment.”

“Don’t haveta. I don’t mind it. It’s part of the whole thin’ right?”

Caressing his cheek I nodded, feeling a little choked up. His face was so open, like his heart, it just blew me away at how sweet he truly was. “It is.”

“Then it’s fine by me.”

They went off with Eli soon after and Noah and I were left alone on the porch, sipping our beers until they were out of earshot. “What’s going on, Noah?”