“Yeah. It’s my job now, and Damon’s. We’re gonna take care of you.”
We slept with him between us, neither leaving his side, and in the morning, I woke to the two of them getting out of bed. “Where are you guys going?”
“It’s morning, babe,” Damon informed me like I couldn’t tell. “We’re gonna go check the horses and get some chores done. You want coffee?”
I was about to grumble that fuck, no, I wanted nothing to do with coffee, but then I heard the power tools from the barn. “Fuck. Roland’s coming today to check on the progress, we still have guests…”
“Yup. Best give up,” he said to me, but then started to laugh and called after Joel, “What’s wrong, boy?”
“Ya know damn good and well, what’s wrong! Feels like I got fucked with a damned ol’ pickup truck!”
We laughed and I was kissed suddenly. “He’s fucking beautiful this morning.”
“He’s a brat. We’re gonna work hard to get him trained.”
“Yeah. What fun that’s gonna be, huh?”
He was glowing, and I felt a little shiny myself. I got up and stretched, my muscles aching from the workout, and went to the kitchen to see Damon preparing the coffee. “Damn, I’m sore.”
“Me too, but I’d bet Joel hurts more,” Damon commented gleefully.
Just then, both of us stopped as we heard him screaming. “Got-damned fuckin’ hell! Y’all done kilt me!”
We rushed to check on him and he was bent over the sink, breathing hard, and it was all I could do not to get aroused. “What’s wrong?”
“I been fucked plen’y, but never like that! My ass is sorer than hell. Gonna be worthless as tits on a bull today.”
“I think you’ll be fine,” I drawled, but went to him to check his ass anyway. His hole was red, sure, a little puffy, but wasn’t torn or bruised. “You’ll be okay.”
When he faced us, he was smiling like a crazy man. “That was fun. When can we do it again?”
Damon moved closer to me and whispered, “Did he just ask…?”
“Yes.” To Joel, I asked, “Honey, you’re…sore!”
“Well, yeah, sure ‘nough, but I liked it! Just can’t do it for a couple days ‘fore I gotta ride again. Don’t think I could sit a bull with my ass like hamburger.”
We were both amazed at him, but Damon finally said to Joel, “We jumped the gun a little. Got rough before a good conversation.”
“Oh, hell,” he said, losing his smile. “You city boys sure do like talkin’!”
“Yes,” I confirmed. “We do. It’s important.”
“Give me time to heal up, I guess. Alrighty, then, let’s go wrangle those horses,” he said as he moved past us, and he wasn’t just walking bowlegged, he was crouched over like a ninety-year-old man. It was all we could do not to bust our guts with laughter.
And we weren’t the only ones to notice. When Memphis and Xen came to the house for breakfast, Memphis came right in when we opened the door, Xen watched Joel leaving with a thermal cup of coffee in his hand, and Xen silently laughed as he tagged behind him.
From the porch the three of us watched Xen gently pat Joel’s behind and Joel laughed right along with him. “So, you done him good, I see,” Memphis observed.
“Yes. We sure did.”
Chapter Twelve
I sneaked over to do some spying of my own. Joel had definitely rubbed off on me. I couldn’t help it, watching the two of them together, Joel and Xen, barely having to say a word, but they had grown close in a short time. It warmed my old heart to see it.
They were in that same stall, and Xen was pantomiming things. I had to sneak around to see better but watched as Xen doubled up his fist and made like he’d punch Joel, then he pointed his thumb behind him.
“Who, Burke and Damon? Nah, Xen, they’re good ol’ boys. They wouldn’t hurt me like that.”