Page 127 of Bulls and Their Boy

I was ecstatic, and Joel couldn’t stop smiling. “First? Second prize woulda be fine an’ dandy.”

“You’re our first prize, Joel, and we wanted this to be a night you’d never forget.”

“Al’ready that.”

We both took a turn kissing him, and when I was up, I held him close, our bare chests tight against one another, and he whispered, “I’m so happy.”

I pulled back to look at him, raising his mask to see him crying. “Baby…”

He turned to Damon then back to me as I held him, and he swallowed hard. “I ne’er thought…I mean, y’all are…proud o’ me. Yer showin’ me off! I can’t tell ya…it’s great for me, ya know it?”

“Yeah. We’re proud of you,” Damon croaked and yanked Joel away from me to crush him in a hug. “So fucking proud of you.”

Damon was openly crying, and it tore my heart, the two of them, my men, the loves of my life. I felt tears rolling down my own cheeks. “Enough of all this. We have a kink club to run, fuck.”

I was smiling and got the two to laugh with me as they wiped their tears away. “Right,” Damon said. “Let’s go get setup for Eli and Noah.”

There was one set of the stocks on stage, and we got up there to set them in the center of it, where the lights would best hit it. Just then, Joel came to us and whispered, “That’s the guy that made ‘em.”

I turned to see Sean Ashby coming through the door, a beautiful small man on his leash. “Another bigun wit’ a teeny guy,” Joel said, laughing.

Damon went down to greet them while Joel helped me set up the stocks. I had Joel go down to speak to Noah after, and Noah was soon on the stage, telling me, “I’m so fucking nervous ‘bout this.”

“Don’t be. You’ll make him nervous, and he’s got to be calm for this.”

“I know, and I’m trying not to show it. And, just so you know, it’s not the brandin’ I’m nervous about,” he said, then left me to head off stage and grab the pail from behind the bar he’d left there a few days earlier. I stared after him, wondering what he could mean. I figured, though, being on stage probably wasn’t his thing. I asked Joel about it, and he had no idea.

“Noah? Nervous? Ain’t ever seen the like from ‘im.”

“Stage fright, I’m guessing.” I nodded to the chair. “It’s almost time. You gotta piss or anything, do it now. You’ll likely be up here for a long time.”

“On display,” he whispered. “Gonna be…weird.”

“Yeah, but with you being first prize and all, it’s going to give everyone something to look forward to.”

“Firs’ prize…ain’t that somethin’?”

“You’re something. We told you.”

Noah came back up with a bucket of ice water and a blowtorch. “Can’t build a fire, I’m guessin’.”

“No,” I answered, laughing. “What’s got you so nervous? If it’s being up here…”


That was his answer. Nope . A man of few words.

When Damon got on stage with us, and Noah was getting Eli ready to come on stage, we took Joel’s leashes and each of us held one, then Damon took back the microphone. “We’re about to start with some shows! Our bartender, Vinnie, he tells me we have already have people signed up to do shows all through the night! Well done!”

There were people clapping and looking around, to try to figure out who would take the stage during the night. While they were doing that, Damon nodded to me and let go of his leash so I could take Joel to the chair.

After he sat, Joel took off his mask. “In fer a penny, in fer a pound, right?”

“Right,” I whispered, caressing his face. “You are so fucking gorgeous tonight. Every night. You’re doing so well.”

“I wanna be good fer y’all. You know that.”

“I do, Joel. This is your throne. The king of our world.”