Page 119 of Bulls and Their Boy

“Shit should have warned you. My friend’s bike broke down because of that fucking gas. Anyway, your new charge is here and…I’m apologizing in advance.”

“That bad, huh?”

He was laughing, but I knew he’d soon be cussing my ass. “Yeah. You can handle him, if anyone can.”

“Thanks for the vote of confidence. Listen, I’m on these curvy fucking roads. I’ll see you in a half an hour at most.”

“See you then.”

As soon as I ended the call, a Suburban pulled up and I saw a gaggle of men inside that I’d never met. One of every hair color and style, faces all pressed to the windows, practically, looking around the place.

A big man got out of the driver’s door, and I knew it must be the famous Beast that Pez and Sean told me about. “Beast?”

“Right! Burke Monteleone?”

“That’s me,” I said, shaking the man’s big paw, thinking, finally, a hand mine didn’t engulf. “Welcome to our place. Those must be your partners?”

“All six of them. I hope you’re ready, they’re a handful and then some.”

They filed out of the Suburban and all came to introduce themselves. A red head got to me first, skinny as a rail and freckled like he lived in the sun. “I’m Clover, and this is PJ,” he said, holding his hand to a tall, blond cutie who was as shy as could be.

“Xen’s best friend, right?”

“Yeah,” he said, his eyes scanning around behind me.

“If you’re looking for Joel, he’s helping people who are camping with their own tents find good spots. He’ll be along.”

“Xen likes him and made me promise to be really sweet to him.”

“I’m sure he’s going to love that.”

I met a ripped Latinx man with slicked back hair and a short beard that I knew from somewhere…

Then it hit me. “You’re Dirty Duke!”

“Julio,” he said, “is my real name. Julio Cortez.”

Dirty Duke was one of Damon’s and mine favorite porn stars. He was amazing. “It’s great to meet you.”

A small man with definite attitude came to me next. “Sebastian Blacksnake. This place is beautiful!”

“Thanks. We like it. Welcome.”

Gerome came next, shaking my hand with a vice grip. He was hugely muscled but shy and sweet. “Pleased to meet you, Sir.”

“Thank you, you too.”

One final man, dark haired and pale skinned came last, introducing himself as Bennett. As soon as we said hello, he went to PJ and started walking around the place a little. “I’ll show you to your tent. We have a big one reserved for you and your boys.”

“Thanks a lot, Burke. We’ve heard great things, and the boys and me can’t wait to see Xen’s mural.”

“It’s so beautiful. He captured us.”

“He does that.”

After they were settled in their tent, Damon came over to me with three men, only one I knew. “Burke, this is Pez and his partners. Brian, his Dom and Eli’s shrink,” he said, then sheepishly corrected, “Sorry. Doctor.”

“I’ve been called worse,” The stately man said and proffered his hand to me. “Brian Lauder, and you know Pez, of course. This is my other partner, Morgan Cherik.”