Page 91 of Until I Claim You

When I walk in,Edwin is sitting in a highbacked easy chair, staring into an empty fireplace, a glass of whisky in his hand.

At first, he does not notice me, lost in thought. His teeth gnaw on his lower lip.

I knew something was wrong when he called me. The sound of his voice was desperate. I thought he might burst into tears. Now that I’m seeing him in the flesh, I’m even more worried.

His eyes are glazed over, trembling in the limited light in the room.

I’m afraid to interrupt him.

Whatever deep thoughts he’s having are consuming him into oblivion. Almost like he’s sleepwalking.

Are you supposed to wake a sleepwalker? Or leave them alone?


He snaps to attention and shoots to his feet. “Oh, Sonia. I’m sorry, I didn’t hear you come in.”

“It’s alright.”

We stand facing one another for a long time. Quiet.

“What’s wrong, Edwin?”

He tries to laugh, but his attempt at humor is betrayed by his rumpled shirt and loosened tie. His hair has never looked so messy, like he’s been pulling at it. “I just…needed to see you.”

I take a few steps toward him.

He can’t lie to me. It’s obvious on his face that he feels his world is breaking down around him.

However, I bet even if it was hidden beneath the surface, I’d be able to see through him. I’ve spent so much time watching him. Learning him.

“Edwin, tell me what’s going on.”

He seals his lips tight together.

I keep going toward him, his body bracing.

The room is wide and long, feels never-ending.

My footsteps echo against the marble floors. My eyes are fixed only on Edwin.

His eyes flick back and forth across my face. He’s nervous. But he’s also calling to me.

When I am close enough to touch him, I slide my arms around him and pull him into my chest. Edwin’s body is tense in my arms.

“I’m here.”

And then he melts, relaxing into me, resting his head on my shoulder as his hands clutch at my waist.

A few tears wet my collarbone. Just a few.

“I’m sorry.”

“Why are you sorry?”

“I called you, I interrupted your night, I–”

“There’s nowhere I’d rather be than here. With you.” And I mean it.