Page 85 of Until I Claim You

Just the way I like it.

Harder, faster, until I forget where I am, and I’m seeing double, catching reflections of us fucking in the mirror.

I try to hold on as long as I can until Edwin slides his hand down into my crotch, tweaks my clit between his forefinger and thumb, like a button releasing me.

My knees buckle as a wash of red bathes my insides. Sweet release.

“That’s it. Draw me out. Squeeze me.”

I clench around him as the orgasm waves through me.

Edwin sinks his teeth into my neck to keep from making a sound as he comes.

Warm heat coats my insides. What that seed could do if circumstances were different…

Makes me want to go again. And again.

I never, ever had a taste for breeding. Not with Nate or any of my partners before him.

But with Edwin… Well, let’s just say I understand now how he managed to have three children with three different women. I wouldn’t refuse him either, even if I didn’t have protection from the IUD.

More than anything, I’d like to curl up into his arms and have him hold me. Aftercare is something I haven’t been able to experience due to the constraint of time. Nothingmore than a sweet kiss on the cheek, a firm squeeze of my hand.

And we don’t have time for that now, either.

Edwin slips out of me, readjusts my underwear to their former position, and just in time manages to tuck himself away when Rebecca wafts back in with the long, green dress.

She announces her arrival. “It’s a stunning piece.”

I straighten myself up, hands tucked behind my back like I’m an innocent.

“Yes, exactly the one I had in mind.” Edwin crosses to the dress and, with careful and measured movements, lifts the long skirt in his hands.

My insides quake again at just the tender way he handles the dress.

“I want to see you in this, Sonia.”

Rebecca looks at me with a knowing smile.

We both know better than to refuse Edwin. Not that I ever would. In any universe.

When I emerge from the changing room in the green dress, Edwin doesn’t speak. He holds out his hand to me, helps me up onto the pedestal and has me face the mirror.


And I can’t help but agree. Though my cheeks are still blotchy and my underwear sullied, I feel like a goddess of springtime in this green dress.

Rebecca grins. “You’ll take it, then?”

Edwin nods. “Absolutely.”

I love myself in this piece, but this is too much. “I have nowhere to wear something like this.”

“Not yet.” He makes sure our eyes are locked in the mirror as he says the next part. “But you will. Soon.”

I can already picture it. Me on Edwin’s arm at a gala orthe opera or fucking Sunday dinner. The most beautiful couple in the room.

He wants to make me a part of his life. Regardless of these conflicts of interest.