“I already used all my stipend for the month.” Her voice wavers just enough that I pick up on it, but not enough to be noticeable to everyone. “I used it for…something else.”
Her debts, no doubt.
Shit. I can’t have her feeling like she’s falling apart at the seams, whether that means her life or her clothes.
“Between my rent and living expenses, I’m going to be wearing the same shoes until next summer.” Sonia attempts a laugh. “They’ll be flats by then, heels worn down to nubs.”
The sommelier and Sonia both laugh. But my gut churns.
I can’t have her sacrificing her beauty and comfort for her expenses. And if she won’t let me take care of the debt, there is something else I know Icantake care of.
I rapon her open office door a bit later. I’ve had to save face with the members who didn’t take long to realize I wasn’t paying attention to anything being said.
They forced me into a game of billiards that lasted far too long for my taste.
By the time I got back, Sonia was holed up in her office. However, the blinds are up, the door is open.
Must mean it’s been a good day.
“Yes?” She lifts her head, smile growing tentative when she sees me.
“Something has come up. Requires your attention.”
Her eyebrows jerk up. “Oh?”
“Can you make an emergency meeting after your shift is over?”
Sonia nods before she speaks. “What is this about?”
“Meet me in the front lobby at six.”
Her eyes narrow. “Edwin… What kind ofmeetingis this?”
The emphasis she places on the word “meeting” gives me the distinct impression she thinks that I’m going to be having my way with her in The Underground tonight. Oh, if only.
However, once I’m through with her this evening, she’ll be lucky if she sees a room outside The Underground for weeks to come. I’m sure of it.
“Sonia, may I remind you that I’m your employer?” I give her a careful smirk to make sure she can tell that I’m not trying to distance myself.
“Yes, sir.”
Fuck. That shoots right to my cock. “And your presence at this meeting isn’t a request. It’s an order.”
My turn to make her head spin. Her cheeks glow like she’s been out in the sun far too long.
She touches the back of her neck. “Six in the lobby.”
I smile, taking this as her agreement. “On the dot.”
Sonia nods. “I’ll see you there, then.”
I stand in the doorway for a moment, letting my eyes take in every inch of her with abandon.
Sonia shifts in her seat, only a bit uncomfortable, before settling under the heft of my gaze.
“Have you been told how…nice you look today?”
Sonia’s eyes fall. A sneaking smile on her lips. “Not yet.”