Page 77 of Until I Claim You

“Are you crazy?”

“Why not?! He’s obsessed with you. I don’t think it would change anything.”

I shake my head. “No, it would changeeverything. Because there’d be so many questions. He’d wonder if I planned this all and if I was just trying to get under Nate’s skin and Nate–” I get a flash of Nate in my apartment.

Thank god, he’s left me alone since, including phone calls.

I think we both made it very clear all we want to do is hurt each other right now.

Still. “I just can’t.”

“Okay, I won’t push you too hard.”

I stab my fork into the last asparagus spear. I’ve never eaten a more delicious vegetable in my life, even if I can’t bear to believe this pile of asparagus is worth over forty dollars.

“Just listen to me, Sonia.”

I lift my gaze to Bridget.

Her expression is serious. And I’ve never seen her be for-realserious. She’s always smiling, always giggling, or looking at me with understanding eyes.

Now, I feel like she’s about to lay down a truth I’m not sure I want to hear.

“Edwin is attractive. He’s got money. And I’m really glad he seems to be trying to prove himself to you.” Bridget folds her hands under her chin. “But you can’t put all your eggs in that basket.”

My shoulders tense.

“Because Edwin has never been known to put all his eggs in one basket either. He’s a player. And I’m not saying people aren’t capable of change but…well, why do you think he has three children from three different mothers?”

I’ve tried to ignore that part. Nate alwaystalked about that as one of his father’s failings. How he loved his brother and sister, but always thought it was so pathetic that Edwin couldn’t just lock it down with one of them or wrap up his dick to stop making the same mistake over and over.

“Now, this is the only time I’m going to get all ‘be careful’ on you, I promise.” And just like that, her smile returns.

Relief spreads through my chest. “Okay, thank you. I appreciate it. Both the concern and the fact that you’re going to put the concern away.”

Bridget giggles, then flags down the waiter for another round of wine. As soon as he goes, she leans in. “So, tell me what happened in The Underground. I need to know.”

“I don’t kiss and tell.”

“Sonia! Please! Let me live vicariously through you,” Bridget groans. “Not all of us can be lucky and find a Dom at their workplace.”

I laugh.

Bridget is full of surprises and her hints at being desperate to find a partner to play with are not subtle.

I glance around the restaurant. I almost feel like I’m a spy with all the looking around. The inner eye roll is well deserved. “Fine. But this is the only time I’m telling you. And you can’t repeat it to a soul.”

Bridget claps her hands. “Promise. Now, tell meeverything.”



“I need to see him,Sol. You understand.”

Solomon crosses his legs and leans back in the chair across from my desk. “I don’t know, Ed. You know Seth and me, it can be hard for me to convince him to do things.”

Seth might be Solomon’s stepson, but that doesn’t mean there’s much familial kinship on Seth’s part. Though my friend loves him like a son, Seth always resented his mother remarrying, even if just a bit. I know Sol would love for them to be closer. And I know Seth has nothing against Solomon. It’s just the principle of the thing for him, I guess.