Page 41 of Until I Claim You

Bridget looks out the window at the street below. “How long does it take you to get to Lyons?”

“A while. Do you want ice?”

She looks at me as if I’ve just told her I murdered her cat. “Ice?!”

“Uh, yeah?” What is so weird about that?

“It’s already chilled.”

I shrug and grab the ice tray from the freezer. “Yeah, but it could be chillier.”

“Sonia, you don’t put ice inwine.”

“Says who?” I scoff.

Bridget gapes. “Everyone?!”

“Okay. Well, I’m putting ice in my wine.” Who gives a fuck about decorum, especially in my own home?

I head over to the couch.

Bridget watches the two cubes bob in my glass, close to throwing up.

I hand her the iceless glass. “Here’s your could-be-chillier wine.”

Bridget takes it and sips. “It’s perfect. Unlike your soon-to-be watered-down wine.”

I roll my eyes.

“You take the subway?” She looks at me with a tiny grimace, shifting the conversation back to the previous subject.

I laugh. “Are you judging me for doing something most New Yorkers do?”

Bridget blushes. “Not judging, no. Never. Just…”

With a playful glare, I sip my wine.

Ah…perfectly chilly.

She eyes her glass, twirling the liquid around for a second or two. “I swear, it’s not judgment, it’s just…dirty, right?”

I scoff. “You’re terrible. Have you ever even been on the subway?”

“Yes! Atleast twice.”

I can’t help laughing. “Wow,twice?How did you make it?”

Bridget pouts. “Listen! I would never judge someone for taking the subway, it’s just not forme.”

The wine hits us fast. We chat and chat and chat as the light through the window ebbs to darkness.

Bridget shows me her sketches, very tasteful Vivienne Westwood inspired punk designs. She asks me to model for her collection when the time comes, and I balk at the idea.

Me? A model? Fat chance.

Time flies when you’re having fun, and hanging out with Bridget isdefinitelyfun.

“So, have things been weird since the masquerade?” she asks.