All the eyes in the room snap right to my hand.
This is something they’re going to have to get used to, Nate included. I will be as gentle as I can with the introduction, but I want to live my life. Want to rain affection down on the woman I love without worry.
Jack shakes his head. “This is weird.”
Abigail looks at him, her mouth agape. “Jack.”
“Not in a bad way. It just is. I’ve never seen Dad actually like someone.”
I take a sip of wine to calm my nerves. “I like plenty of people.”
“Not in a hand-holding way.” Jack frowns. “And of all people, Nate’s–”
Nate throws a roll at his brother. “In the past, bro.”
Jack harrumphs and picks the roll up from his lap, taking a bite of it.
I smile at Nate. How all my children are so mature compared to how I behaved at their ages is beyond me. Perhaps they had a “what not to do” example in me to look at.
Abigail looks between me and Sonia. “Are you going to keep working together at the club?”
Sonia and I exchange a look, and Sonia turns to her. “I mean, I’d like to. Of course, I need to recover, and if I’m being honest, the idea of being at the club again gives meheart palpitations, but…” She tilts her head to the side. “I’d really like to. If that’s okay with you, Edwin.”
“Of course, it is. I think we make a good team. Even better when we’re not sneaking about and lying to everybody.”
Nate stabs a piece of lettuce. “You don’t think it will be too weird, the three of us working together?”
An overwhelming warmth spreads across my chest. Pride. “I think we’ll do just fine. As long as it’s what you want to do.”
Nate shrugs a shoulder. “The Lyons Club is a family affair.”
“You’re not obligated, Nate. Not anymore.”
He shakes his head. “I don’t feel like it’s an obligation. I think I…I’d like to give it a try.”
“Good, good. That makes me…happy.” The word “happy” is almost like a revelation when it comes to my relationship with my son.
Abigail waves her hands around. “Okay, can we move on from all the idle chatter and get down to brass tacks? Sonia, what do you put in your hair to make it so shiny?”
Sonia laughs while the boys groan.
I keep on smiling. Can’t seem to stop.
The girls go back and forth about beauty techniques, guys cutting in every now and then with an obligatory joke that is shut down by a glare.
I love it here.
My house manager, Carlisle, appears at my shoulder and leans down. “Mr. Lyons, someone at the door to see you.”
I frown. “I’m not expecting anyone.” I don-t want to draw attention to me.
“Someone from the club. A Lourdes Morales?”
I shoot up out of my chair. “Thank you, Carlisle.”
I button the top button of my jacket and give a nod to the table. “Just a moment, everyone. Some business I need to attend to.”
My eyes find Sonia’s. Her brow is perked in question. Best not to disturb her with the news that the Lyons Club head of security is here to discuss the incident that led to her injury.