Page 135 of Until I Claim You

“Then who am I to say no to such a wondrous thing?”

Edwin leans in and kisses me. His tongue flips into my mouth and Isigh, content.

In a gap between kisses, I moan, “Yeah, I want yoursteel rod.”

He throws his head back in laughter. “See? I can’t take you seriously when you call it that!”

I peck him once more on the lips. “I love you.”

“I love you.”

I wakeup from one of my many naps to Edwin talking in a low voice.

I look over at the door of my room where his back is to me. “She’s asleep. It’s not a good time.”

“Please, Dad.” Nate. “I want to talk to you. To both of you.”

For some reason, I want to see Nate. Want to see how he’s doing, hear his voice, have him see Edwin and me in the same room.

Because he needs to know about the love we share. The sooner he knows, the sooner he can begin to process.

“Edwin.” My voice is raw, sleep-filled.

He looks over his shoulder at me, dark hair coiffed to perfection, though his stubble is now overgrown into a thin beard. “You’re awake.”

“Please let him in. I want to talk to him.”

Edwin pauses, trying to measure if I’m ready for such excitement.

I know myself better than he does. And though I’m still managing the weakness in my body, my head has felt lighter and lighter by the minute. I’m hoping to be out of the hospital by tomorrow.

This conversation, however, can’t wait that long.

Resigned, he opens the door wide.

Nate is rolled in by Laney. He looks well, though his face is wracked with worry.

“Hey, Sonia.”

I slide my hand onto the side of the bed and adjust the backrest so I’m sitting up better to look at him. “Thanks for visiting.”

Laney looks at me. “Don’t give him too much credit. He had an appointment with his doctor, so it was justconvenient.” Her smile is playful and there is a twinkle in her eyes.

“Laney, that’s notwhy–”

Her hand lands on his shoulder, caressing it. “I’m kidding, Nate.”

Laney rolls Nate right up beside me.

His eyes find mine. “How are you feeling?”

“I’m…” As if by reflex, my eyes go straight to Edwin who stands now at the foot of my bed, watching the conversation. “Good. I’ve been better. But I’m good.”

Nate smiles and follows my gaze to his father. “You’ve made up.”

“You could say that.” I let out a nervous laugh.

“So, what happened between you and my dad wasn’t a ‘mistake’, huh?” He leans back in his chair.