Page 12 of Until I Claim You

“And I’ve been watching you very closely.” I press my hips into hers. “Waiting for the right moment to come get you.”

This is the make-or-break-it moment. If she’s a runner, this will be too intense for her. She’ll skitter off and hide in the dark recesses of the party until she can make her exit, or she’ll sic the man she was flirting with earlier on me as some sort of defense.

Except when he realizes who I am, he’ll back down.

However, Swan doesn’t pull away. She draws her face toward mine. Our mouths are only inches apart.

“So, now that you got me…” she murmurs. “What are you going to do with me?”

If I lean in and kiss her, my fate is sealed for the night.

My mind races. I have so many ideas I don’t know where to begin. Kiss her, touch her, fuck her into oblivion.

Devour her.

Wreck her.

I don’t get a chance to even give her a friendly peck when I’m interrupted by an intent tapping on my arm. “Edwin!”

Seth. I grimace. “Excuse me for a moment, would you?”

Against everything my body wants, I release my swan and turn around to face Seth Vance, Solomon’s son.

Well, stepson. Although that doesn’t matter. Solomon treats him as the son he never had.

Seth’s got a look on his face that has me worried.

“What is it, Seth?”

“It’s Solomon,” he says, pain in his blue eyes. “I don’tknow what happened, but he’s tripping. Hard. Like, hallucinating.”

I raise an eyebrow. “Do you know what he had to drink?”

“No, but I think Quinn Puckett’s daughter–”

“Carina,” I growl. Carina Puckett is notorious for having her boutique “candies” at all the parties, aka hallucinogens and party drugs. I’m sure Solomon mistook one of her little “mints” for a real candy and is now doubled over staring into a light thinking it’s a star person. “Where is he?”

“Upstairs bathroom.”

“Okay, I’ll be there in a second. Let me–” As I turn back to Swan, I’m stunned to find the space on the dance floor before me empty.

I look around.

She’s gone. Disappeared just as quickly as she arrived in my life. I’m used to being abandoned, but not by women. I’m the one that abandons them.

It’s not something I’m proud of, a bad habit I’ve never managed to wipe away.

Now Swan has gone and flipped the script. Maybe it’s what I deserve. To be abandoned, not only by my boy, but a strange enchantress in the night too.

“Never mind,” I say, coldness sliding through my veins. “Take me to him, Seth.”



I stumbleinto the women’s bathroom, clutching at my chest to catch my breath.

What. The hell. Was that?