Page 128 of Until I Claim You

He is right. So, for the next god knows how many hours, we talk and bond.

I learn what my kids want out of a relationship with me, and I express the same. I share the secret I had been holding onto until I told Sonia.

Which leads Abigail to click her tongue. “This isn’t very feminist of me, but you should go after her.”

Jack frowns. “She said no, Abs.”

My youngest crosses her arms over her chest. “Well, if someone loved me as much as Dad loves Sonia, I’d want him to come after me.”

I can’t help but perk up at that. “Even if you said no?”

“Yes.” Abigail nods. “Even if I said no. Because no means no, definitely. But every once in a while, when two people love each other, a no is just a way to put up walls. To protect ourselves from heart break. So, Daddy, knowing her, what is her no?”

“Thank you.”

It’s stillthe early hours of the morning, just going on seven. Way too early to pay a surprise visit, but I’m desperate.

I get to her apartment thanks to Nate’s directions. A teeny five-story walk up in Queens that feels like hell on my knees, but I can’t think of the pain now.

“Sonia?” I knock on the door. “Sonia, it’s me.”


“I know you don’t want to see me. But I need you to.” I am careful not to talk too loud to alert any of the neighbors to my presence.

Again, nothing.

Nate said this is a small studio. She can’t miss myknocking from another room. And it’d be just as impossible for me to not hear her moving if she was inside.

I pull out my phone and send her a text.

Another one. I’ve sent several since I left the house to come here.

Still nothing, so I call.

Nothing from inside. Not a buzz, not a ring.

Sonia’s phone is always on ringer for business calls at all hours of the day.

That’s confirmation she’s not home. Where could she be?

I love Sonia, but I still have so much to learn about her. Where would she go if she wasn’t home? Where does she spend her time?

All I know is her apartment and the office.

So, I head down to the Lyons Club as a last resort until I have more information.

On the car ride over, I text Bridget since she and Sonia have become close, but she doesn’t seem to know where her friend is either.

I arrive before the construction crew is set to start.

The club is silent, and the lights are dimmed.

Sonia’s blinds are pulled as if she’s not there, or she doesn’t want to be disturbed.

But the door is ajar, though the lights are off.

I creep toward the door. “Sonia?”