Page 123 of Until I Claim You

I sipa glass of wine on one of the leather couches and check the time. Almost five in the morning.

The construction workers will be coming in around eight.

I ought to start considering heading home. Can’t believe I didn’t leave sooner. But one hour turned into two, oneglass turned into two, and I couldn’t bear the thought of leaving.

It’s never been so quiet in the club because there’s never a time in the day at least a few members aren’t here, even in the wee hours of the morning.

I’m here all alone. And it’s been nice.

I’ve spent my time indulging in all the amenities the members get to enjoy.

I mean, all I’ve done is vegetate on the couch and drink wine while watching premium television in the Media wing, but hey, I’m grieving for my life here.

“Okay, Sonia,” I say to myself. “Time to get up.”

I don’t move.

“Time to get up, up, up.”



I lay there for another minute or so and then get the inspiration to launch myself up off the couch, leather groaning under me.

I shut off the television, the umpteenth episode ofThe OfficeI’ve watched in a row.

Then the world is silent.

The club being part underground is amazing for keeping out the noise of bustling New York City. But it’s also eerie, standing here in the lowlight, not a single sound other than my breathing.

My head flies to the door.

What was that snapping sound?

Distinct enough that it captures my attention. Small enough that it could be anything.

I keep my eyes on the open door to the cinema and wait to see if it happens again.

I’m not one of those stupid people in horror movies whofeel the need to check every noise, thank you very much. I’ll just stay right here.

One second…two seconds…ten…thirty.


Just the wine and my imagination.

Okay, it’s official, I need to get home. Need to get into bed. I’m hearing things.

I walk out into the hall, overcome with tiredness. My bare feet feel cool against the long-tiled hallway. High heels dangling from my fingers.


Again? Whatisthat?

My stomach ties in a knot.

Calm down, Sonia.