Page 109 of Until I Claim You

On one side, I have the debt, and on the other, a job that I need to keep in order to pay off said debt. And the one thing,the one thing, making it worth the vicious cycle, I’ve lost. Because I am a liar and a traitor.

I saw it in Edwin’s eyes. The way he recoiled from me.

And with just a few days of not seeing him, I feel like I’m in withdrawal. Like he became a drug that I crave.

With Edwin, the world seemed easier.

I have taken care of myself for so long, even when I was with Nate.

Back then, I was taking care of Nate too. Playing the role of girlfriend and mom in one.

It took me this long, but I got to meet someone who can take the load off. Who makes me feel out of control in the best way.

And I’ve lost him.

I’m not sure how long I’m crying before there’s a knock on my door.

“Sonia? It’s Solomon.”

I shoot up and look again at my blotter.

Shit, we have a meeting scheduled.

Solomon emailed me out of the blue about it yesterday, saying there were some things we needed to discuss regarding the operations of the club.

It was cryptic enough that I’m scared he might fire me even though I’m pretty sure that’s out of the purview of his job.

I swipe the tears away and blow my nose with a tissue before forcing a smile. “Come in!”

Solomon opens the door to my office and stops. “You’ve been crying.”

Fuck. “No, I haven’t.”

“I can come back later.”

“Solomon, please, sit.” I gesture to the chair across from my desk. “I’m fine.”

Solomon smiles, a pitying look in his eyes. “I’m not an idiot, Sonia. I have a daughter, after all.”

Once Solomon found out Bridget and I have become friends, he’s been very paternal to me, even though we almost don’t interact at the club.

His job is higher level, dealing with the finances and the nitty gritty numbers, which keeps him tethered to his desk most of the time.

“And Bridget–” He breathes a sigh as he sits in his chair. “She would kill me if she found out I saw you were crying and didn’t ask about it.”

I clasp my hands under my chin and force a smile. “I’m fine, Solomon. Really. If she threatens violence upon you, you can send her my way.”

He furrows his brow.

“Now, please. What did you want to meet about?”

“Well, if you insist…” He readjusts in the chair, his long legs appearing unable to get comfortable. “I’m going to be taking over as interim CEO for at least the next month.”


“Edwin is taking a leave of absence.”

Oh god, this is all my fault. “Is everything alright?”