Page 101 of Until I Claim You

Any other time, if circumstances were different, I would hope he’d speak up and defend me. He practically just declared his love for me, didn’t he?

But I don’t deserve it. I don’t think I ever did.

I knew this would happen. I knew I should have stayed away.

“You knew he was my dad, and you still seduced him.”

“I didn’t seduce him. It was… We both–” Except, I’m starting to question everything.

Was I just trying to get back at Nate all this time? That doesn’t account for the immediate attraction I felt for Edwin. Unless somehow my body just knew to seek him out?

God, I’m so screwed up in the head I don’t even know which way is up anymore.

“You’re so fucked up, Sonia. You went out of your way to get a job at my family’s business in order to get to my dad and hurt me. Why?”

I shake my head. “No, that’s…that’s insane! I didn’twantto get to your dad, it just happened, I swear.” I turn on my heel. “Edwin, I swear.”

Edwin doesn’t look up. My heart breaks further.

“So, you just accidentally applied to the Lyons Club? The club I told you I left behind? On purpose?” Nate presses harder, coming toward me.

“Stay away from me.”

“I’m not doing anything, I’m just holding you fucking accountable since you’ve–”


We both look over at Edwin. He looks so…sad. A curl of hair fallen over his forehead. “Yes, Edwin?”

“Is that true? That you knew when you applied for the job that…” His eyes find mine at last. The betrayal in his gaze reaches into my chest and grabs my heart, squeezing it until it might explode.

“Edwin, I–”

“Answer me. Please.”

Fuck. More tears well in my eyes. “Yes, I knew. But I didn’t come here trying to–”

“That’s all I need to hear.”

“I promise, Edwin, I–”

Nate turns to his father. “Don’t act like you’re better than her, Dad.”

For once, I’m grateful he’s interrupting me because I have no idea what I would have said.

But he doesn’t have the same problem. “I’m sure if you had known Sonia was my ex, you would have hired her just to get in her pants.”

Edwin stands, gripping his fists at his sides. “Get out.”

“Funny how you’ve been begging me to come see you at the club, and now you’re making me leave. I guess some things never change.”

“I will not stand here and have you insult my character. I didn’t know until this moment that you and Sonia–” Edwin huffs. “And if I had known, nothing ever would have happened.”

I knew it. I knew he never would have touched me if he knew.

Nate snorts. “Likely story.”

“Are you questioning me?!”