“Then, would you do the honors?” He holds out a sledgehammer in my direction.
“Sure.” I take it as I clear my throat.
The designer waves everyone away from the wall so I have a wide enough berth to swing the thing.
I undo the button on my suit jacket. “Never used one of these in my life,” I say with a hapless laugh toward the audience.
“Would have never guessed, Edwin!” Marty chortles, followed by a laugh from the crowd.
I glance back at Sonia. She’s finally looking at me but looks away when our eyes meet.Fucking great.
I eye the hammer.
Might as well get some anger out with this one.
I swing it back and slam it against the wall with all my might.
The sledgehammer bounces off the brick like it’s made of plastic, almost tearing my arm out when it comes back, and I have to catch my balance.
Suave, Edwin. Very attractive.
What is it the kids say when they lose interest in someone? Getting the ick? Well, if Sonia didn’t get it already, I’m sure she has it now.
I laugh at myself, pushing my hair back into place even though I’m embarrassed as all hell. “Well, I loosened it up for you.” I smirk at the designer.
The crowd laughs again. I hand the hammer back to the professional and clap my hands. “Well, celebratory cocktails in the main lounge, hm?”
As people slither out of the cellar in order to allow construction to begin, I realize that Sonia has disappeared into the throng.
Shit. I wanted to grab her afterward to talk. About things. Relating to us, maybe, but also professional things.
Oh, who am I kidding? I can’t play it cool with her. And that’s the whole problem. I’m always able to play it cool. I’m aloof and hard to please. Women chase me, not the other way around.
With Sonia, though, I’m willing to sprint.
I finagle my way out of several conversations, including one with Marty that I feel extra bad about after abandoning him yesterday to spend time with Sonia.
And what a time we spent. But now is not the time. I have to find Sonia.
I check her office first. No dice. Then The Underground. She’s been keeping a closer eye on the Dungeon Masters since the incident with Hazel, Ruby, and Oliver Worthington. But the Dungeon Master of the moment, River, tells me he hasn’t seen her.
I check every single wing of the members club like a bloodhound trying to sniff out my catch, except I’m not even close to having as good of a nose. Would probably help me in this circumstance if I could catch a whiff of her perfume from as far away as possible.
My smartwatch beeps, and I look at it. Fuck. I’ll have to try again later. I have a meeting in ten minutes.
I head back up to the executive floor andthat’smy boon.
Because who is standing outside of Farley’s office but Miss Sonia Hill.
My swan.
She’s leaning in the door, looking at her portfolio and scribbling something down. “I’m worried about putting a firm date on it. You know how construction never seems to be done on…” Her eyes land on me and widen. Her gaze darts back into the office. “You know, let’s continue this later, I have a call I have to be on.” The portfolio claps shut, and she rushes toward the front staircase.
My jaw hardens. She can’t run from me forever. I could be patient and just wait for that inevitable moment.
But I’m not letting her get away with this. Not a chance.
I rush down the hall after her. Her heels clap against the stairs. “Sonia!”