“Are you ready?”
I have been away from the club for a few weeks now. Far past the healing of my injury.
However, the emotional scars inside have been difficult to overcome. I still wake up some nights in a sweat from nightmares about the moment I thought might be my last.
Being near Edwin helps. A lot. Just sleeping next to him makes me feel leagues better.
Still, it can’t fix everything.
Today, though, I’m coming in for a tour. To see the place. To feel it out. I need to know if I’m ready to step back into my role.
I’ve said goodbye to Farley, already sat through a security brief from Lourdes who has assured me all of the previous security protocols were firm and steadfast, but they’ve added even more to ensure everyone’s safety.
It is clear, everyone wants me to feel welcome. And I do. “Yes. I’m ready.”
Edwin wraps his arm around my waist, and off we go, up the stairs, passing the place we almost kissed that very first night, and into the members club.
Everything is back to the way it was that very first day I was here. Bustling and exciting, the haphazard wine bar moved back into the wine cellar since construction on the whisky tasting room is done. The waterfall is running, music is playing, and conversations abound.
Bridget rushes up to greet me with open arms, Solomon following behind her.
“Welcome back!” She kisses my cheek. “I’ve kept your seat warm for you!”
“Oh, joy.” I laugh.
Bridget has stepped in as an interim manager for the club. Like father, like daughter, I suppose.
“We’re all very happy to see you, Sonia.” Solomon nods.
“Me too.” I grin. “I’m so happy to see all of you.”
“Let’s do a walkthrough, huh?” Edwin tips his chin forward. “Lead the way, Sol.”
Again, like my first day, I go through all the nooks and crannies of the Lyons Club. Members greet me left and right with hugs and well wishes, some of whom I didn’t think even knew my name.
Everything is in good working order, as expected.
Bridget has done a phenomenal job.
And the whisky tasting room is gorgeous, worth every bit of frustration it gave me.
Edwin pours us all a small snifter full, and we cheers.
“To Sonia’shopefulreturn.” Edwin’s emphasis on ‘hopeful’ is hard to miss.
I know there is no rush. Everyone around me is so patient and kind. But I’m in a rush to get back. I want to leave the events of that night behind and pick up right when I woke up, looked Edwin in the eyes, and told him that I loved him.
“I’m going to take Sonia to the office, get her up to speed on everything.” Bridget grabs my hand. “Where should we meet you?”
Edwin sips his whisky, then eyes me up and down. “I’ll let her know.”
And just like that, I know exactly where he wants me to meet him.
Edwin and I have been having sex, yes. But it has beensoft and careful. He hasn’t wanted to break me or hurt me, for which I’m grateful.
But I want to be his again. Want to be his petulant little brat. I told him as much before we left the house today. I know he’s been half-hard ever since.
It only makes sense that my welcome back would include a visit to The Underground.