Page 7

Heat rises to my face, and I push my chair away from the table, standing and throwing my napkin on my plate.   "Would you say something like that to a female employee?"

My father stares at me and blinks.   I'm fairly certain he'd never expect such a reaction from me.   "Of course not," he says.   "I was only joking. "

"This is exactly the reason I wasn't sure I wanted to come back here to work for you," I say, trying to maintain my composure.   "Because I was afraid you wouldn't treat me professionally. "

My father gives me a long look, then clears his throat.   "You're right. "

I am?  Has Hell frozen over?  I don't think I've ever heard my father admit I was right, not once in my whole life.   "I am," I say, steadying my voice.

"I wouldn't have made that comment to a female employee, and it was inappropriate to say to you.   I was wrong, and I'm sorry.   Now.   Will you listen to what I have to say?  I want you working with Gaige. "

"Me?" I ask, my tone suddenly an octave higher.   "Why?"

"Will you please sit?" Beau asks.

I sink into my seat.   I absolutely, positively, in no way, shape, or form, can spend time working with Gaige.

I think of that last kiss, four years ago, the kiss I swear still lingers on my lips.   I think of Gaige sweeping the hair away from my forehead earlier, the arousal that coursed through me at his touch.

And then I think of Gaige's reputation, his revolving door of women.   The fact that he seems to have the innate ability to push all of my buttons and irritate the shit out of me.

And the fact that he's my damn stepbrother.

But overriding everything, all I can think about when I look at him now is the unfinished business that hangs in the air between us.

Working with Gaige would be way too damn dangerous.   I can't think of anything that would be worse.

"I have news that affects both of you. "  Beau's voice breaks through my thoughts.   "Gaige knows most of this, but not all of it.   Marlowe Oil needs a face of the company, someone the public associates with us.   Someone sexy. "

Gaige laughs.

"No offense, Gaige," Beau drawls.   "I mean sexy in a business sense.   Gaige is perfect.   He draws in the male and female demographic.   He's going to do for Marlowe what the racecar drivers do for other companies. "

My father refuses to actually name his competitors in private, instead referring to them as "that other organization" or "the one with the idiot CEO. "

"Okay," I say.   I'm failing to anticipate how this is going to involve me.   My father promised me an entry-level position, something a normal college graduate would have.   Please, please, please, I silently beg the universe, do not let this be the kind of thing where I have to get coffee for Gaige or something equally humiliating.

"This is a huge deal," Beau says.   "And we're partnering with one of the biggest motorcycle manufacturers in the world for a Japanese tour during the off season, during which Gaige is going to promote Marlowe Oil at every opportunity.   There's the potential for them to sign on to use Gaige in major promotion in the future.   And Marlowe Oil. "

"Congratulations," I say, nodding at Gaige, who's smiling like the cat that ate the canary.   I'm afraid to ask what he might be thinking.   I look warily at my father.

"I want you on Gaige in Japan," he says.

"Me?" I squeak.

No, no, no.   Hell, no.   The words echo in my head.

"Wait.   What?" Gaige asks.   He sounds as surprised as I am.

"Shouldn't someone more…I don't know, experienced…go with Gaige?"

"And someone who's not my stepsister," Gaige says.   Now he doesn't sound surprised; he sounds irritated.   Why shouldn't he want to go with me?  I'm the one who shouldn't want to go with him.   "You didn't mention this before. "

"I didn't mention it because I hadn't realized yet how useful Delaney would be," Beau says.   "Besides, there will be plenty of experienced people – the company rep and Gaige's staff. "

What the what?  Gaige has staff?

"But, I don't understand," I say.   This entire situation refuses to compute in my brain.   "Why would you need me?"

Gaige makes a sound under his breath.   "Don't you get it?" he asks.   "So you can be my fucking babysitter. "