Page 89 of All My Love

“What are you doing, buddy? Are you adding something?” I ask, remembering that he had a piece of paper pressed to the window a second ago.

“There,” he says proudly, shuffling back from the canvas to let me see.

I stare at the addition until I can’t see it anymore, my eyes so full of warmth. “Is that me?” I ask about the small, black silhouette painted on paper, taped directly next to Bear, on the other side of Hud.

“Yup,” he says proudly. “Daddy says you should be in it since it’s gonna be your house, too.” He claps his hands over his mouth, squeezing his eyes shut. “Oh no, I wasn’t supposed to–”

“It’s okay,” Hudson’s deep chuckle reverberates throughme as he steps inside, wrapping me in his arms. His lips come down to my ear as his belt buckle digs into my back from behind. “Live with us. I don’t care how fast we’re moving.” He spins me in his arms and collects my face with his huge hands. “I love you, Dolly. Marry us.”

My eyes veer to a bouncing Bear, who holds a tiny wooden box in his hands. “Here! Here! Here!” he squeals, pressing the box into my belly as I take it from him.

Carefully, I pop the top of it open, the faint scent of cedar hitting my nose. Inside the box is a scrap of paper rolled gently into a ring, secured with a piece of tape. “Bear painted it,” he says, pinching it out. “But we’ll get you whatever you want.” He winks and my stomach incinerates. I love Bear, but I’ve never wanted to be alone with Hudson as much as I do now.

The slow tremble starts in my shoulders, and my knees grow weak. “Hud,” I whisper. “I can’t believe I’m really gonna be your wife.”

One of his arms snakes around my waist and he yanks me toward him, lifting his hat from his head to provide a veil of safety from Bear for a moment. He drops his mouth to mine. “As soon as Icanmake you Dahlia Gray, I will. And as soon as you’re ready to be a mama, you say the word.” He presses his hot lips to mine, and my brain tingles from the delicious reality.

“You’re mine, you know that?” I tell him as Bear runs up, tugging my arm.

“Yours and only yours,” he says with a wink that causes a rush of arousal to soak my panties beneath my sundress.

“Let’s skip stones! Please! Daddy, you said–”

“All right,” Hudson smiles, scooping Bear up into hisarms. “We’ll go, but first, I want to have a talk with you right here with Dolly about what we talked about earlier, okay?”

His little face twists into sadness, and I step toward my guys, taking his cheek in my hand. It’s the happiest day of my life and still, my stomach twists at Bear’s unhappiness.

“What’s the matter, buddy?” I ask softly.

Hudson’s eyes come to mine over Bear’s head, which is tipped against his chest. Right there in my barn with a paper ring on my finger, Hudson and I have our first moment together as parents. I know I’m not Bear’s mama, but I’ll be as much of a mama to him as he’ll allow. And right now, Hudson tells me whatever’s about to come out of his mouth is serious to Bear.

“I don’t want you to go into the creek anymore,” he says, hiding his face against his daddy’s shirt. My ovaries catch fire, I swear. Bear loves me. I knew he did, but this love he’s expressing now… I feel important to him, and it makes today that much sweeter.

“He’s afraid you’ll get stuck like he did. And he doesn’t want anything to happen to you.” With the hand that isn’t holding Bear, Hudson reaches out, taking care of both of us at once as he swipes my tears away. I shake the rumble from my throat, not wanting Bear to see how his love has made me feel.

“I love you, Bear,” I say aloud for the first time ever. “And nothing’s going to happen to me. Okay? I promise.” I catch Hudson’s intense gaze and my heart swells. “Your daddy won’t let anything happen to me, I promise.”

Finally, Bear shows his face, pink-cheeked and sweet. “That’s what he said.” He looks up at his daddy. “Promise?”

Hudson gives Bear his pinkie, and they promise forever to protect me.

I reach for Bear and take him in my arms, burning for my turn with the little boy whom I love so much. “Let’s go to the creek and skip stones. All three of us.”

Hud catches my hand as I let Bear to his feet, taking off out of the barn toward the creek. “I don’t wanna rush you.”

I arch a brow as we head after Bear together. “What do you mean?”

He clears his throat, sounding a little shy as he takes my hand in his. It’s the first time we’ve held hands walking, and I’ll never forget it. His calloused palm makes my nipples hard and my insides hot.

“I want more babies, Dolly, but I know you’re young. And if you need time—if you have dreams to chase?—”

“You’re my dream. Bear is my dream. Living in Bluebell with you twoismy dream. I want to paint in the barn and take care of the home and our babies and love you.” I rock to my toes and kiss his lips, having to tug him down to me for access. “You are my dream.”

We skip stones with Bear for two hours, laughing, falling down in the sand, soaking up the traces of sun that warm our skin. When the air gets chilly, we head back to their house, stopping by my place only to tell Ivy and Juniper that I won’t be home until tomorrow.

Inside, Bear gets his pajamas on and picks a bedtime story while Hudson and I make dinner together, sneaking off to the laundry room three separate times so I can taste him, and just hold his cock in my mouth for a moment to get a fix.

And after the bedtime story is done and Bear’s door isclosed, I step into the living room, standing in front of Hudson with the fire lit behind me.