Aug smirks as we move past him to the door. “Hold on.” He fishes around in those sweats, producing two silver plugs. “Let’s make it interesting.” One at a time, he plunges the plugs onto his tongue, and my cock gets fat and happy at the sight. “Now bend.”

I work my belt from memory, tug my slacks and briefs down, holding my shirt and suit jacket up with one arm as I lean over the kitchen counter. My cock thrums when he places a kiss on my cheek before plugging my ass.

B does the same, leaning over the bar with her blouse collected in one arm, pencil skirt shoved down. He kisses and plugs her too, and then we’re off for a day of work. Work and misery, because when I'm plugged like this, knowing she’s plugged too, I can hardly make it through the day. And then we have to get through dinner, too? Fuck. I growl at him on my way out.

“You sadist,” I tease.

“If I am, then both of you are masochists because I’ve seen your underwear after I’ve plugged you both all day.” He leans in, dusting his lips against hers, then mine. “Messy pups.”

She looks at me across the cab of the car, door open, one foot already on the city sidewalk. “Good luck today.” She wiggles her hips against the seat. “I can’t wait for tonight.”

My ass clenches around the plug as I push her blonde hair behind her shoulder, leaning in to kiss the side of her neck. My prostate is more sensitive than my cock, I swear. “I can’t wait either,” I agree, then we share a stretched kiss over the console, and she’s gone, traipsing into her studio. Aug will be there in a few minutes to get painting so I turn the car around and head to Crave, holding it down where it all began.

“No! I go first because I had to watch him paint shirtless all day. And don’t try to tell me you had it worse—I saw your schedule today. Post-editing supervision and interviews. Psh!” she folds her arms over her chest, chin tipped victoriously to the ceiling as she looks back to him. “Me first.”

I blink. Once, twice, and again. “Excuse me?” This is so her, fighting me on something I fucking want. God it gets me fired up. “I have a prostate, the plug was torturing me all day,” I tell her, trying to catch her on fire with my searing gaze.

She’s spicy today, and I’m salty, and this plug has been torturing me every second for the last eight hours. I face him. “Me.”

Augustus strokes his hand down his thick stubble, and my cock likes it. And I like it, too. I loved that time when he had a beard, despite the reason he had it. But he’s ours now, and that beard feels fucking heavenly against my naked body.

“You’re both kind of…grouchytonight.”

“We’re starved,” Brielle rasps, rolling her lips together seductively as she pushes her bare breasts out, her hard nipple nearly grazing his bare chest.

My cock likes that, too, but my brain doesn’t. “Cheater.”

She smirks and goddamn it. “Fine, her first, but I want some sort of good boy credit for this.”

Aug laughs, feeding his hand through his hair as he readies himself. He fills a palm with lube and begins coating his cock. I swear to fuck, my stomach growls. “Really?” B snarks. “Your stomach growling? Such a kiss ass.”

I smirk at my choice to only go for a BLT and fries for lunch, instead of the Oreo cookie milkshake too.Discipline to my advantage.

“My pups are too starved,” Aug chuckles, sending a hot scattering of goosebumps across my chest. My nipples get hard and goddamn it, I don’t even care who goes first. I just want to start. I need… them. His smile fades. “Down.”

We go down. He fastens our collars in under a minute. “Fours.” We drop to all fours. “Pen.” I let Brielle lead as we move around the bed to the pen and get in. My knees and palms are familiar with this flooring and no longer get torn or bruised. He’s broken us in.

“On your elbows,” he says, and the metal clinks beneath me as I sink lower.

I turn and find her tipped forward the way I am, lips parted, eyes muddled as she gazes at me. I lean in, pressing my lips to hers. I’m met with a smirk so I give her a wink.

The pen shudders slightly, and my heart skips a beat knowing why. He’s leaning in, body connecting with the metal frame. Brielle sucks in a sharp breath, and I’m right behind her, inhaling so fast my teeth burn. His fingertips press into my ass, pinching the plug.

He plucks them from us at the same time, and they tumble to the floor heavily in unison. I drop my head, eyeing the thick stream of precum stringing to the bottom of the pen. Fuckin’ A, that’s not a good start. I swallow thickly, thinking about an actual dog in a pen.

Babies I could get on board with maybe.Mini Lancehas a certain ring to it. And as long as they don’t leave the underwear on the floor and food in the couch. But a dog that sniffs crotches and eats shit and then has the audacity to lick your face and sleep in your bed? Uh,fuck that.

Okay. A dog. I’m thinking of a dog.

Thwack. Through the cage, Aug slaps my bare ass, doing the same to Brielle. The pen rattles as he does it again and again, my core and ass clenching in passive restraint.

And as I stifle a moan built from pure fucking agony, the painful desire to come completely overtaking every part of me, he pushes two lubed fingers inside, stretching and curling in my ass. I whimper, I’m not even ashamed to say it. I whimper and I moan and between my legs, my cock is achingly hard, deep red with need.

Brielle makes a noise. Maybe a small exhale, a complaint, I’m not sure because I’m trying to refocus on that picture of a dog in my head.

“Quiet,” he commands her, slapping her ass lined up next to mine while notching himself at my hole through the opening in the crate. “Open,” he growls, his voice dipping into the territory I want to exist in, the dark territory of pain and pleasure that Ithrivein. I relax my body as he enters me in a single push, causing me to grunt.

“Good boy, take me, be strong for me and take me.”