“Rings,” he says of the three identical white gold bands. “Because we’re committed to you but we want everyone else to know, you’re ours.”

He plucks one ring from the box and slides it down my finger. It feels just right. I look up to see Lance and Aug slipping theirs on, too. And then, because I got a signing bonus, graduated, got a contract for a job I love, made peace with my best friend and my dad, and committed myself to the men I love—I cry. I hold my face and sob because it has been a damn day.

Their ringed hands stroke up my back, igniting excitement between my legs.

“I’m sorry this night was clouded with other things, but this was our plan all along,” Aug says, stroking his thumb over the band on my finger.

“It’s good,” I say, staring at my ring. “Now we know we can get through rough things together.”

“We can. And we can do a lot together, the three of us,” Aug adds, kissing my temple. Lance kisses me, then kisses Aug too.

“Let's do stuff together now,” Lance smiles against my lips, lifting his hand to reveal our collars. “Up for some fun?”

I bite my lips. “Always.”


Let’s make it interesting



A lot can happen in a year. You can be places you never thought you’d be, sit where you never thought you’d sit. Like, for instance, myself. Right now. I’m sitting with a baby in my lap.

“Isn’t she adorable? Aren’t you adorable?” This woman reaches out for a cheek pinch, and I jerk my legs to the side, pressing my palm over the baby’s face.

“Don’t touch a baby that isn’t your baby,” I say to her, narrowing my eyes, you know, as punishment. Because if she doesn’t walk away feeling like she crossed a line, she’ll do it again.

And you don’t touch someone else’s baby,fuck you very much.

“Go now please.”

The woman stumbles off like I shot her in the leg. I roll my eyes at her, shaking my head and bang. She takes another shot, jerking back in shock before skittering on her heels and taking off.

I’ve never been a baby person. I’ve never yearned to parent, to teach someone about life and finances and whatever the fuck else parents do. I wouldn’t know, mine weren’t good. I mostly parented myself.

“Oh Lance,” Scarlett sighs, scooping hermini Scarlettfrom my lap. What’s her name again? Jane? Sally? I scratch my head and nod.

“No problem, Scar.” I get to my feet and make my way across their living room, dying to get out of this fucking kid pit. When I walked in, there was a pair of underwear stuck inside a pair of tights just sitting on the floor.Disgusting. And when I sat on the couch, applesauce oozed from a pouch from between the cushions. It was a true fucking horror.

But Cohen called, panicked about getting his other kid somewhere and it’s flu season and they couldn’t bring the baby. I don’t know. I wasn’t really listening. I was thinking about getting home to my husband and wife and spending my night with a sore jaw because of how much I’velovedthem.

But Cohen is a good man. And his wife, Scarlett, our very own Lucy Lovegood, is an excellent human. And you can’t be selfish when it comes to helping good people.

“How was she?”

I shrug. “Fine. The woman in the apron kept trying to pinch her cheeks. I told her to go away.”

Scarlett cradles her daughter against her chest, and the mini Scarlett lovingly settles in. It is cute, I’ll admit that. Pretty fucking cute.

“Lance! That’s our housekeeper!”

Again, I shrug. “It’s not her baby to touch, and you didn’t askherto watch mini Scarlett, you asked me. So if anyone is pinching her cheeks, it will be me.”Obviously.

Scarlett shakes her head, and though bags line her eyes and her hair is less shiny than usual, she looks so much happier. Inside out type shit. “Lance, her name is not mini Scarlett. And did you?” she’s not physically tapping her foot, but I feel it in spirit.

“Did I what?”