I leap forward and press into the door, opening it wide. Standing at the threshold of the doorframe I stare out into the darkened evening at my best friend, standing four paces back. “Where did you get that shirt?”


She’s wearing a Wharton shirt.

My eyes are glued to the letters on the shirt and when I brave a glance at her face, I have the answer. The most terrible, shocking answer that I never expected.

I blink at her,she knows I know. And everything that has transpired in the last few weeks crashes down around me, obvious and clear. But I never suspected. I didn’t see it because why the fuck would I?

“Oh my god,” I breathe, the words foggy between us because my breath is stuck, my voice is stuck, my power is stuck. All I can do is blink between her teary eyes and my father’s t-shirt. “Big Daddy,” I repeat, the playful nickname now making me nauseous.

“I never meant for it to happen,” she cries, her hands restlessly going to the sides of her hair, then the ends of the t-shirt.

“You wore that here on purpose, to rub salt in the wound? That you didn’t just fuck my dad, but you told him my secrets then stole his favorite t-shirt?”

“Oh Jesus,” Aug mutters from behind me as his large hand slides into mine. He tugs me back as Lance once again blocks me from Winnie.

“We’re having dinner after the program tonight. A late dinner. Nine o’clock at Bella Cucina. Meet us there, preferably in clothing that doesn’t belong to Quincey Parker.”

He closes the door as Aug’s hand tightens around mine, comfort surging through me at the way these men take care of me. I never thought I needed to be taken care of emotionally. But this care and protection I’m getting now feels like exactly what’s been missing.

“But my dad is going to be at dinner,” I stutter, realizing then that, on the advice of Aug and Lance, I invited my dad to our celebration dinner. To try and mend fences. And he said yes.

“Now they can explain themselves to you, together. The way we can explain whatever we need, and you can explain your choice to move forward with Crave,” Lance says calmly before leaning down and taking my lips in a slow, hot kiss. A kiss that centers me as Aug keeps a pulse on my palm.

“Now let’s go. Ezra doesn’t like tardiness,” Aug adds, tugging me out to the garage before opening my door and waiting for me to slide into the backseat.

Aug drives and Lance sits next to me in the backseat, stroking my hand. “Don’t spin. We’ll talk through it all. But first, it’s your night. You’ve completed a mentorship you didn’t think you’d survive, and rumor has it, the mentor you worked with has a job offer for you.”

I meet Aug’s eyes in the rearview. “It’s what we discussed, but better.”

I tip my head onto Lance’s shoulder and watch lights flicker over the windshield as we drive deep into the city.

They’re right. I can’t let anyone ruin this night because this night is about celebrating everything I’ve done, and I deserve it.

Mr. Leon’s tweed suit jacket with leather elbow patches sticks out in the crowd of hipster filmmakers wearing sandals and chinos. He catches my eyes first, then goes to Aug and Lance, a smile sweeping his face.

He crosses to us, and we meet him halfway. He shares a handshake and hug with Aug, then extends his hand to Lance. “Good to see you again Lance. It’s been great to see your career thriving over at Crave.”

“Thank you Ezra. It was a good career choice, I appreciate the nudge in the right direction.” Lance replies, with a gentle nod and as close to a smile as Lance gets.

Aug smiles at Ezra and my world shifts as he says, “It seems you have a knack of steering talented directors my way Ezra. I am extremely fortunate to have them in my life. They are more than that to me though, they are my partners in all things. ”

My breath catches as I blink up at Mr. Leon who simply smiles and nods. “Anyone who works with Augustus must be extremely talented and focused.” He shakes his head, bringing his vodka tonic to his lips. “The three of you must be quite a threat, in all ways.”

Though I hadn’t given it much thought, I’m relieved to see how well he responded to us. And I’m hopeful that there are more Ezra’s than Quincey’s, but the truth is, I’m so goddamn happy, fuck those who judge. I don’t need them to understand my life for me to be happy.

“Ah, there he is,” Mr. Leon croons, looking behind us at someone approaching. He outstretches his hand and it’s then that my father comes into view, shaking Ezra Leon’s hand. Shaking it. The same man he disliked months back when I was assigned to Crave. The man he called or threatened to call in order to get his way.

“You know my father?” I ask, completely ignoring my dad.

Mr. Leon smiles kindly. “We had a very long conversation this morning.” He pushes his glasses up the bridge of his nose, turning to my father. “Great to see you made it.” He looks between myself, Aug and Lance. “I’ll give you a moment.”

Aug nods to him. “Let’s catch up. Get me a drink,” he says, following Ezra to the open bar across the large room. Lance squeezes my hand, pressing his lips to my ear for private words. “I’ll be over here if you need me,” he says before catching up with Aug and Ezra.

Finally, I look up at my father. The man who raised me all by himself. No nannies, no tutors. The man with all the money and the steel heart who raised his daughter by himself, who worked hard to earn wealth and success but who’s obsession with what people think has him by the balls.

My nostrils flare as I hold his eyes, deep and dark like mine. “You judged me. You name called. You shit all over my life and then I come to find out you’re sleeping with my best friend,” I hiss quietly, hurt surging through me, anger a vibrant undertone. “My twenty-six year old best friend.” I press my finger into his chest. “You made me feel like I was a loser for wanting this, for wanting to pursue my career in adult film making. For wanting to be with two men. And all the while, you’ve been going behind my back and fucking Winnie.”