I lovethem, despite the fact they also make me want to pull my goddamn hair out.
I stomp into my house, holding the back door open long enough for them to both storm through. I flick on the kitchen lights and point to opposite sides of the space, and each of them shuffle past me, taking a spot. I stand between them, arms folded over my chest.
“There is one thing to be said about conflict inspiring creativity,” I start, “but arguing about everything all day—it’s too much. You two need to figure it out. Because your bickering makes me want to force you both to your knees and shut you both up.” I unzip my slacks and pull my cock out. Lance’s eyes are on it as his tongue sweeps his bottom lip. I zero in on his crotch, seeing his erection beneath his slacks. My stomach tightens, and my ass clenches. I love teasing him, getting him horny and hard for me.
Tonight is going to be fun.
I glance at Brielle, who watches me stroke myself with the same starved expression her fellow pup wears. “Look what all that arguing does to me.” I drag the tip of my finger over the dark slit on my cockhead, pulling it away to show them the precum I’ve been leaking. It threads between my cock and finger, and Lance makes a noise of needy appreciation.
I throw him a cautioning glance. “Hush. When I want to hear you, I’ll tell you to speak.” I stroke some more.
“I don’t want to have this thing between my legs, all hard and needy, all goddamn day because my sweet little obedient pups are being bad. Because when my pups are bad, I get like this.” I shake my weeping cock until precum splatters against the floor. “Disrobe and clean it up,” I order them, pointing at the glistening stray drops on the floor. They begin taking their clothes off, and as much as I’d love to stroke and watch, I have other plans.
When I disappear into the guest bedroom, I glance over my shoulder at Lance. He looks up at me and we share a moment of knowing. Brielle will learn tonight, but Lance already knows. Because this is not the first time Lance has been an overly naughty pet.
When everything is ready, I return to the kitchen to find my pets on all fours, staring at the ground, awaiting my commands. The precum is gone, and when I reach down and drag my fingers up the split of Brielle’s pussy and ass, I find her creamy and swollen.
I reach down and squeeze Lance’s heavy, hot balls before giving his shaft a tug from between his legs. He’s hard and dripping already.
They’re ready.
From the kitchen drawer, I snatch the original collar plus the new one. I sit between them, cock still out. I push Brielle’s hair off her back as I loop the collar around her neck. “Feed on me while I collar him,” I tell her as I finish clasping her collar. I twist my torso to find Lance’s blue eyes watching as Brielle nuzzles affectionately into my thigh before sucking my broad head into her mouth. He whimpers, which earns him a swat across his perfect bare ass. God I love his ass. I love hers, too. Brielle’s tongue loops the underside of my cock as my fingers smooth down the leather of the collar, fastening it. I give it a tug, bringing Lance’s mouth to my cock. “Let him feed,” I say, making Brielle slide off my cock with a wet slurp.
A soft moan of relief swathes my cock as he sucks me into his mouth. This little taste of their Sir’s cock, of giving their Sir pleasure, is meant to soothe them a bit before their punishment. I sift my fingers through his hair, then hers.
“You can both have more of me if you can be good. But because you’ve been so bad, it’s time to learn our lesson about making your Sir horny all day.” I take my cock from Lance’s mouth and get to my feet, snapping at them to follow me. I hold myself in my palm as I walk down the dark hallway, my cock throbbing at the sound of their hands and knees dragging obediently behind me. I push open the door to the guest room and flick on a singular lamp, which partially illuminates the room. But it’s enough for them to stop in their tracks when they see what’s waiting in the corner.
Lance growls, because he knew. He knew but he’s also never been punished with another. He’s only ever experienced punishment alone. He’s about to learn how good and kind his Sir is, because punishment with another will be pleasurable for all. As long as they obey.
I point to the large metal crate in the corner of the nearly empty room. The only other two things in this room? A large chair facing the crate, and the lamp.
It’s all we need.
Lance goes first, with Brielle crawling in after him. The metal cage clanks as I swing the door closed and lock it. Then I take all of my clothes off, too, and fall easily into the seat across from my caged pets.
“Pups stay in the pen until they can be good,” I tell them, stroking myself at the sight of their naked and collared bodies.
I drop my chin to my chest, the new embers of a blazing orgasm burning my toes. I have time, but they’ve been edging me all day with their bickering, so I don’t havemuchtime.
“Back up to the cage door, and face the wall,” I tell them, quietly getting to my feet, remembering the one thing they need.
I bought these last week, thinking we’d use them the very next day. But the busy week got the best of us, and I can’t deny that knowing these have been sitting in my house all week hasn’t helped my eager, ahemgrouchy,attitude.
I leave the room to grab them from my nightstand, and return to the most perfect scene: Lance and Brielle’s naked backsides pressed to the black iron thatching of the cage. I drop to my knees on the other side, letting the tip of my finger explore the split of Lance first. He startles a little at first, but then sinks back against the cage as my finger traces his tight hole, glides up the shadows on his ass, before delicately tracing his balls.
“Brielle, turn and face me,” I order, watching as she awkwardly maneuvers herself in the small pen to face me. Her eyes fall to the items in my other palm, and they follow the long swish of animal tails hanging from them. Plugs with tails, to make my pets officially pets.
And also to torture them.
“Open,” I tell her, then I feed the plug through the bars, plunging it into her open, waiting mouth. She suckles on it for a minute before I remove it, and tell her to turn back around.
Through the bars, I tease the back of Lance’s thigh, making him squirm. A small stream of precum dribbles from his cock. At the discovery I know he’s ready; I press the plug to his ass and drive it in. He hisses at the intrusion, jerking forward, bonking his face on the other side of the metal pen.
But he doesn’t speak.
I pull the bushy tail and let it fall between the bars and rest against his thigh. “Good boy, now face me.”